Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Fr.Angelo Geiger and Fr. Alfonso Bruno want the Franciscans of the Immaculate and the whole Church to accept Vatican Council II with an irrationality


I have sent these blog posts to Father Alfonso Bruno spokesman of Fr.Fidenzio Volpi Ofm.cap, the Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. I am still waiting for a reply. There is a report in Italian by Fr.Angelo Geiger on their official website.It  states 'No one in this discussion casts serious doubt that Tradition and the Magisterium should be the criteria for the interpretation of Vatican II. ' 1 Where does Tradition and the Magisterium say that the deceased now in Heaven are physically visible to us on earth? And so since they are known and visible in real life they become exceptions to Tradition?

Why does the whole Church have to accept all this nonsense?

How can being saved with ' a ray of the Truth' (Nostra Aetate 2) be an explicit exception to the traditional teaching which says all Jews,Muslims and other need to convert with the baptism of water and Catholic Faith for salvation.? How can Fr.Angelo Geiger imply that we know exceptions in 2014, to this traditional teaching of the Church.

They want the Friars and Sisters of the Franciscans of the Immaculate to proclaim this lie in the interpretation of Vatican Council II before they are allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass and teach at their seminary? 
They have to say that they can see the dead.-saved, who are visible exceptions to all needing to convert into the Church.So there is known salvation outside the Church ?

For me Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) is saying all Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims etc are on the way to Hell since they do not have Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.They do not have 'faith and baptism'.  For me there is no text in Vatican Council II which refers to visible for us cases, of non Catholics being saved in 'invincible ignorance'(LG 16), imperfect  communion with the Church (UR 3) etc.So there are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. LG 16,NA 2,UR 3 etc are not exceptions. I accept them as possibilities known only to God. I reject the theory which says that they are explicit exceptions.
So this is the hermeneutic of continuity for me.It  is in agreement with Tradition and the Magisterium .Most important of all it is a rational interpretation of Vatican Council II.
Why cannot Fr.Angelo Geiger and Father Alfonso Bruno   affirm this rational interpretation of Vatican Council II? Set an
example for the other Franciscans.
Why must the main group of Franciscans interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the past using  the dead man walking and visible theory ? Why must they allege, as Catholics, that they can see the dead-saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) etc. No text in Vatican Council II makes this claim unless one infers wrongly.
Vatican Council II being a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is false.To have a 'career' in the Church religious are expected to accept this falsehood. This irrational interpretation of the Council is being forced upon the Franciscans of the Immaculate by Fr.Fidenzio Volpi. This is a Vatican Council II which is a break with Tradition and which is heretical.It contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (which Fr.Angelo Geiger will not affirm) and changes the Nicene Creed.
This dead man walking  interpretation of Vatican Council II approved by the Left, is being foisted on the Franciscans of the Immaculate.It is being forced upon them by the Vatican Curia and the Apostolic Commissioner.Then when they do not accept this irrationality ( as they should not as good Catholics)  they are  told that they are being disobedient to the pope.
If Pope Francis says Jesus is not God or the Holy Mass is not the Sacrifice of Jesus re enacted, we just reject it.If the pope rejects a defined dogma and interprets Vatican Council II with an irrationality it has to be rejected.
When the irrationality is repeated even after the concerned persons are informed , it becomes a falsehood. The irrationality is a falsehood.
-Lionel Andrades


L’inganno Cripto-Lefebvriano: un Francescano dell’Immacolata risponde a De Mattei

Fr.Angelo Geiger and his Franciscans of the Immaculate group cannot accept Vatican Council II ( inference-free) because of extra ecclesiam nulla salus


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