Friday, July 4, 2014

Fr.Frederico Lombardi does not address doctrinal questions on Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

Yesterday (Thursday July 3,2014) I received a message from Fr.Frederico Lombardi,writing in his personal capacity and not as Director of the Holy See Press Office.It was in reference to a blog post of mine which I sent  him.The post from  Eucharist and Mission sent to him was  Pope Francis and the Vatican Curia want the Franciscans of the Immaculate to interpret Church documents with an irrationality : appeal for justice (July 1, 2014)
His letter e-mailed to me from the Vatican Press Office by Cristina Ravenda indicates  others have also e-mailed him a copy of the same blog post.
Fr.Lombardi refers to the issue of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate as a 'delicate subject' and a 'painful story'.
He has not addressed the content of the blog post .It said Pope Francis wants the Franciscans of the Immaculate to accept the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 while assuming that the baptism of desire is explicit for us instead of implicit. He then wants the Franciscans of the Immaculate to use this same irrationality in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.The Holy Office 1949 made an error when it assumed that implicit desire and being saved in invincible ignorance were exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma on salvation by Fr.Leonard Feeney.This error is carried over by the Vatican Curia,  in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.The Franciscans of the Immaculate have to affirm Vatican Council II while assuming that all salvation in Heaven is visible on earth. Then it has to be wrongly concluded that these 'visible' cases are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition.
There was no comment from Fr.Frederico Lombardi S.J on this irrational doctrine. The Franciscans of the Immaculate have still  to accept and use this irrational premise in the  interpretation of magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II, before they are allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass and have teaching faculties once again-Lionel Andrades
Letter of Fr.Frederico Lombardi S.J

Dear friend,

I have recently received the plea sent by you – and by many other people, with exactly the same text in English or Italian – regarding the painful story of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.
Thank you for the trust with which you have approached me on this delicate subject. I am sure you have been asked to send me this "petition" and did so with the best of intentions.
I respond to you in an entirely personal way, and consider it appropriate to do so, since you have seen fit to send your message to me personally. I do not answer on behalf of the Pope or the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life, nor as the Director of the Holy See Press Office, but rather as a religious person.
Indeed, I too am a consecrated person and have been for over 50 years. In my youth I pronounced with joy and love religious vows which included that of obedience, knowing quite well that the religious institute to which I belonged (in my case the Society of Jesus) was a part of the Church and that the approval of the universal Church enabled my institute to give valid acceptance to my religious vows.
I know that religious institutes have their own events, periods of spiritual enthusiasm and wonderful growth and periods of difficulty, low morale or internal tensions. The relationship of the Superiors of Institutes with the legitimate authority of the universal Church (the Pope and his collaborators) experiences serene moments and also moments of distress. But the leadership of the Church, the Pope, remains the essential point of reference for every religious institute that does not wish to become an association of people who embark on an autonomous path, of their own volition, and eventually disperse. My religious vows bind me to Jesus through the Church.
I served as Major Superior (Provincial) of more than 1000 religious for several years. I am therefore aware of what it means to be responsible for a numerous and varied religious community made up of different personalities and engaged in many activities. I can assure you that wise governance requires the ability to lead the community in harmony and overall unity of purpose in the service of God according to the directives of the universal Church. If this does not occur – as is humanly possible – it is right that those who hold greater responsibility should intervene, even if this may be painful, to endeavour to keep the community together and help its members respond well to the call they have received from the Lord.
In the Catholic religious life, which finds its full meaning in a vision of faith in the Church as inspired by the Spirit of the Lord, obedience to the authority of the Church, nominated in practice by the Holy Father, is the only true guarantee of taking the correct path or of being able to find it again in times of darkness, despite difficulties.
Father Manelli and Father Pellettieri accept this calmly and clearly, with humility and willingness, as all good religious in the world must do, and as they too have certainly instructed their disciples to do in the past; it will surely not prove difficult to find the way to reconciliation and renewed serenity. Many people in the history of the Church have found the way to holiness amid the difficulty of obedience, and in this way have set a good example to their spiritual heirs.
I gladly pray for Father Manelli and Father Pellettieri, and ask that you pray also for me!
Yours in the Lord,
Federico Lombardi S.I.
Pope Francis and the Vatican Curia want the Franciscans of the Immaculate to interpret Church documents with an irrationality : appeal for justice July 1, 2014
July 1, 2014

Pope Francis and the Vatican Curia want the Franciscans of the Immaculate to interpret Church documents with an irrationality : appeal for justice

Pope Francis wants the Franciscans of the Immaculate to accept the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 while assuming that the baptism of desire is explicit for us instead of implicit.

He then wants this same irrationality to be used in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

The Holy Office 1949 made an error when it assumed that implicit desire and being saved in invincible ignorance were exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma on salvation by Fr.Leonard Feeney.

This error is carried over by the Vatican Curia in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

The Franciscans of the Immaculate have to affirm Vatican Council II while assuming that all salvation in Heaven is visible on earth. Then it has to be wrongly concluded that these 'visible' cases are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition.

Could the relatives of the Sisters in the Franciscans of the Immaculate(FFI) community bring this issue to the attention of the Vatican ?. Please ask them to allow the FFI to accept Vatican Council II and all magisterial documents without assuming salvation in Heaven is physically visible on earth.

In this way the FFI can affirm Tradition and also Vatican Council II. Please ask Pope Francis and the Vatican Curia to first endorse a Vatican Council II without the irrational inference.Also please ask the FFI dissidents to do the same.

-Lionel Andrades

The Letter of the Holy Office makes it an issue. It considers the baptism of desire an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Objectively we cannot see a baptism of desire case: the Holy Office 1949 implies we can

This would be an error even if it was said by Pope Francis or Archbishop Lefebvre


Implicit desire is always implicit. Did the Holy Office assume it was explicit?

Objectively we cannot see a baptism of desire case: the Holy Office 1949 implies we can

The Holy Office 1949 used the dead man walking and visible theory : it was a mistake

A Catholic school boy and a Buddhist meet Archbishop Marchetto and Professor Roberto de Mattei at their next meeting

Archbishop Lefebvre made a mistake with the Letter of the Holy Office and carried it over into Vatican Council II

Modernists in Rome and the SSPX are in agreement

Martrydom is not a known exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus in 2014

Invisible persons cannot be an exception on earth to Fr.Leonard Feeney saying every one needs the baptism of water for salvation

I accept implicit baptism of desire according to Vatican Council II, Mystici Corporis etc

Even if there were many cases of persons saved with the baptism of desire ( without the baptism of water) it would be irrelevant to extra ecclesiam nulla salus

We do not know any potential St.Emerentiana or St.Victor so there is only one way of salvation in the Catholic Church in 2014

Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church : no contradiction

If someone has justification God will provide the means for the baptism of water

Modernists in Rome and the SSPX in agreement: 1949 Holy Office Letter teaches Modernist version of EENS - CathInfo. forum

No one is saved without the baptism of water given to adults with Catholic Faith

You can witness a martyrdom but cannot say the person is a martyr and is in Heaven without the baptism of water

Fault is with the SSPX Resistance.They have used the irrational premise

Hypothetical cases cannot be exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was interpreted over the centuries

Where is the actual case of someone saved outside the Church ? There is none

Supporters of Fr.Leonard Feeney unfortunately still use the irrational inference .It can be seen in their interpretation of Vatican Council II

Priests who offer Holy Mass in the vernacular now affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus : SSPX, Fr.Paul Kramer deny it

I talk in terms of visible and invisible only because Catholics in general are unaware that they are using these terms


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