Friday, July 11, 2014

Lay Catholics,including bloggers still do not realize that Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the blue or red column

(Rome) The official news agency of the Catholic Church in Germany (CBA) and Switzerland (KIPA) have entitled the following stories: "Pope Insists on New Mass for Franciscans of Immaculata" and "Pope Insists on New Mass." It is further stated in the reports, "Pope Francis has rapped the Franciscans of the Immaculata over decisions of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) and the subsequently developed New Mass." The pope "warned against departing from the provisions of Pope Benedict XVI., who had opened up the celebration of the Tridentine Mass again with a motu proprio of 2007 under certain conditions." 1
Lay Catholics,including bloggers still do not realize that  Vatican Council II can be interpreted with the blue or red column. There is a choice.They could show the Vatican Curia, that Pope Francis and the Vatican are using the the red column in the interpretation of the Council.This is irrational, not real, non traditional and not Catholics.
They can explain , to the representatives of Pope Francis that the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and the SSPX must be allowed to choose the blue column in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
Then the FFI and the SSPX will be affirming Vatican Council II, with rationality.They  will meet the conditions necessary for offering the Traditional Latin Mass, to teach at their own seminary and receive full canonical status with normal faculties.
Aside from personal meetings announcements can be placed in the media by lay Catholics affirming their acceptance of Vatican Council II interpreted with the blue side column.
-Lionel Andrades

Rational Interpretation of Vatican Council II : hope for the Franciscans of the Immaculate


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