Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Malaysia: Muslim leaders report politician to police for insulting Islam

By on Jul 6, 2014 

orok1This is the kind of thing we will see in the U.S. in the not-too-distant future if the current trend of ascribing all counter-terror efforts and criticism of jihad terror and Islamic supremacism to “Islamophobia” and “hatred” continues. Prosecutions for “hate speech,” i.e. opposing jihad terror, are the next step.
“Action urged over David Orok’s alleged insult to Islam,” Bernama, July 6, 2014 (thanks to Twostellas):
KOTA KINABALU: Authorities have been urged to take firm action against David Orok for insulting Islam and the Prophet Muhammad in a post on his Facebook page recently.
Beaufort MP Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun, who is also Wanita Sabah Islamic Organisation (Usia) chief, said insulting the prophet could trigger hatred and anger among the people in Sabah and Malaysia in general.
“In Sabah, there are over 30 ethnic groups professing different religions. A family may consist of members of various religions but they live in peace and harmony,” she said in a statement.
Azizah said the statement by Orok could divide the people or destroy the harmony of communities in Sabah.
Orok, a State Reform Party (Star) member, courted controversy by allegedly insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad on his Facebook page recently.
Meanwhile, Sepanggar Umno Youth chief Ramlan Awal gave Orok seven days to explain his post and a make public apology for hurting the feelings of Muslims.
He said the Sepanggar Umno Youth division had also made a police report against Orok.
Another police report was lodged by the Coalition of Sabah Muslim NGOs Council (Concerns) against Orok on Saturday. – Bernama

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