Thursday, July 17, 2014


To make up for that, Kindelmann said, the Blessed Mother reportedly asked this locutionist to offer a "very special" reparation to her Divine Son on Thursdays and Fridays -- an hour for families to make reparation, beginning with a spiritual reading followed by the Rosary or other prayers in an "atmosphere of recollection and fervor," initiated by "making the Sign of the Cross five times" and those assembled offering themselves to the Eternal Father "through the wounds of my Divine Son."
Elizabeth KindelmannThe Blessed Mother also asked that the prayer sessions close with the Sign of the Cross five times and that this also be done -- the Sign of the Cross five times -- first thing in the morning and during the day. "This will bring you closer to the Eternal Father through my Divine Son, filling your hearts with graces," Mary said.
 First let's start with the fact that Cardinal Erdö, in an official pronouncement on June 1, 2009, called her revelations "a sign of the life-giving Holy Spirit," ones that "bring an authentic Catholic spirituality and devotion toward the Virgin Mary that is in total conformity with the Catholic faith." He then formally recognized and "solemnly promulgated" the approbation.
"With these words, I establish in the Archdiocese of Esztergom-Budapest the 'Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement,'" he wrote. It was likewise approved as an association in San Paulo, Brazil, and for the Archdiocese of Hermosillo, Mexico (in 2008).
The very forward for her book was written by Cardinal Bernardino Escheverría Ruiz of Guayaquil, Ecuador.
These are important considerations due to the dramatic nature of the revelations -- and their current relevance, as world events continue to intensify.

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