Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pakistan: Sunni Muslim mob murders five Ahmadis for “blasphemy”

By on Jul 28, 2014 

BlasphemyIn Pakistan and elsewhere, Sunnis viciously and violently persecute Ahmadis as heretics and apostates. Yet in the West, Ahmadi spokesmen such as the venomous and supercilious Qasim Rashid and the unctuously pious Haris Zafar make a tidy living allying with their persecutors and aiding and abetting their sinister agenda by telling non-Muslim audiences what they want to hear — that Islam doesn’t actually have any of the doctrines that Sunnis invoke to persecute Ahmadis and others. And indeed, Ahmadi Islam doesn’t — but Rashid and Zafar don’t bother to mention to their marks that they represent a form of Islam that is held by an actual tiny minority — and one that is rejected by the mainstream and persecuted by it as heretical.
The only effect of their endless stream of articles and books purporting to prove that Islamic texts and teachings don’t actually contain material justifying violence and supremacism (here is one recent example from Rashid) will be to render Infidels complacent and less likely to resist that violence and supremacism, or at least less likely to do so in any genuinely effective way. Ahmadi Muslims will continue to suffer because of the laws about apostasy, heresy and blasphemy that Rashid, Zafar and other Ahmadis deny exist instead of confronting and calling for genuine reform — but that doesn’t seem to trouble them.
“Five Ahmadis killed over alleged blasphemy in Gujranwala,” Khyber News, July 27, 2014:
GUJRANWALA: Four members of the Ahmadi community were killed late on Sunday and four others were severely injured when an angry mob attacked and burnt five houses belonging to members of the community over alleged blasphemy.
According to BBC Urdu, those who died in the attack include a 55-year-old woman Bashiran, a minor girl Kianat, 7-year-old girl Hira and an unborn child who died due to suffocation.
The injured were rushed to the district headquarters hospital and their condition is said to be critical.
The BBC Urdu report quoted Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) of the People’s Colony Circle as saying that the trouble started with an allegedly blasphemous post on Facebook by an Ahmadi youth, following which the mob began protesting and eventually attacked and damaged homes belonging to members of the Ahmadi community.
According to police and eyewitnesses, there were seven to eight houses of the Ahmadi community in the vicinity. However, following the violence all Ahmadi families in the area managed to flee.

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