Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Paul Weston: The One-Way Street of Islamic Tolerance

The One-Way Street of Islamic Toleranceby Paul Weston
What constitutes religious bullying these days? Some would suggest crucifying Christians in Syria, burning down churches in Egypt or kidnapping Christian girls in Nigeria might adhere to the description of bullying, or at the very least failing to adhere to the guidelines related to Inculcating Inter-Faith Best Practice In the Workplace……
In Britain, we have a rather different interpretation; witness the case of NHS occupational therapist Victoria Wasteney, who has been disciplined for bullying a Muslim co-worker. Ms Wasteney’s heinous crimes against humanity started when Muslim X displayed an interest in the anti-human trafficking community work carried out by Ms Wasteney’s church, which needless to say resides not in a hideously white area but in wonderfully multicultural East London, which unfortunately suffers from human trafficking in a way, for example, mono-cultural Cornwall does not.
Anyway, Ms Wasteney invited Muslim X to a sports day organised by her church, which some might think is just what fostering inter-community relations is all about, but not it would appear, when a Muslim is invited to participate in the affairs of the infidel. Senior NHS management described this flagrant breach of multicultural ideals as being “inappropriate.”
Something else considered inappropriate was Ms Wasteney having the temerity to pray with Muslim X, who had come to her in tears about problems in her life. Muslim X appeared quite happy to allow this to happen, which is after all simply an act of Christian kindness directed toward someone genuinely unhappy. How very inappropriate in multi-faith, multicultural Britain is that!
Oddly enough, this is very much a one way street of inter-faith understanding. Non-Muslim children are actively encouraged (see video) to pop into mosques in order to understand Islam, or at least the milquetoast Islam put on display for naïve infidels. In fact, the Littleton Green Community School in Huntington, Staffordshire, warned parents who were against their nippers visiting a mosque with the following Orwellian threat:
“As part of the national religious education curriculum together with the multicultural community in which we live, it is a statutory requirement for primary school children to experience and learn about different cultures. A refusal to allow your child to attend (the mosque) will result in a Racial Discrimination note being attached to your child’s education record, which will remain on this file throughout their school career.”
In some cases native British children are forced to recite the Shahada, which is an intrinsic element in converting to Islam. However, the idea that Muslim children are required to visit a church to take part in Confirmation classes is clearly ridiculous and would never happen. This submission before Islam is nicely summed up by Ms Wasteney’s quivering appeasement when confronted about her dreadful, racist, Islamophobic behaviour. Quote:
“One of the earliest conversations I can recall was one in which she (Muslim X) said she had just moved to London. She felt that God had a real plan and a purpose for her, but I was very cautious because our environment is such that these things can be misconstrued and, with her being from a different faith background, I was mindful of being respectful of that”.
Do Muslims ever worry about being misconstrued? Are they mindful about those from a different faith background to whom they should show some respect? OK, you don’t need to answer that foolish question… fact, such is the one way street for respecting other cultures and faiths in Britain that merely standing up against aggressive Muslim intimidation makes one an ‘Islamophobe’ who should be immediately sacked, as in the case of Lebanese Christian Nohad Halawi who recently lost her job at Heathrow airport.
According to theGuardian, Ms Halawi says she was treated unfairly and sacked because of rumours she was “anti-Islam” after speaking out over bullying and intimidation by Muslim colleagues. She says she defended a fellow Christian employee who was mocked by Muslim workers for wearing a cross….. in England….can we rationally accept this is really happening?
And so this prostration before Islam goes on. You will note no Muslim is ever sacked for abusing a Christian who wears a cross, but Christians who object to being vilified for their belief are persecuted merely for asking Muslims to stop bullying them, or are disciplined for simply asking Muslims to take part in inter-faith activities.
You don’t need to be a dyed-in-the-wool-Islamophobe to notice the extreme unfairness in all the above. Can anyone really imagine Muslims in a Muslim country being treated the way Christians in Western countries are treated? The West – particularly Britain – is behaving in a distinctly abnormal and pathological manner when it comes to the preferential treatment for Islam and the concomitant persecution of the very people who helped make the West what it is.
There are countless other stories replicating those mentioned in this article. Muslims who attack native Englishmen and women are rarely found guilty of racial or religious hate crimes. Muslims are rarely sacked or disciplined for promoting their faith in the workplace; Muslims who burn poppies on Remembrance Sunday are given derisory fines; Muslims are able to chase British policemen down the road whilst shouting run kuffir, run at the retreating enforcers of the law. Muslims can hold up placards calling for death and destruction but are never prosecuted for inciting religious hatred – and whilst this is all going on, the non-Muslim native British find themselves second-class citizens in their own country having been betrayed utterly by the appeasing, no resistance on my watch, traitor class ruling elites.
This perverse double standard is the sign of a country, culture and people with no stomach for survival it would seem. Given the demographic rise of Islam in Britain, coupled with the increasing radicalisation of Muslim youth, survival is something we should really be thinking about, shouldn’t it? But whilst the treacherous elites continue to appease the intolerance of Islam, we must sadly conclude that those who will have to actually fight for survival will not be those who could have stopped it whilst it could be decisively stopped. Instead, it is our young children and the yet-to-be-born who will have to fight against a far stronger enemy in the future, and an enemy which at that point in time might just be too powerful to defeat.
I don’t want to bore readers with any more of this, but for those interested, please take a look at the Diversity and Equality guidelines, laid out by Ms Wasteney’s East London NHS Foundation. Read it and weep for what has happened to Britain and where it can only inevitably lead, and ask yourself just what this perverted attitude has to do with a supposedly apolitical National Health Service, when it instead reads as though it were penned by the propaganda arm of a genuine dictatorship with little sympathy for the natives within their own homeland:

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