Friday, July 25, 2014

Rorate Dhimmitude

New Catholic at Rorate Caeili is disappointed with Monsignore Cesare Nosiglia, the Archbishop of Turin, Italy,' for the most adulatory Ramadan or Eid-al-Fitr greeting card'.I  think the good Monsignore , in a sense, is as adulatory as New Catholic.
Rorate writes:The members of the religion of Mohammed can sense more than any other adherent of any faith the weakness in others. It is not due to any inherent evil in them as human beings (they are as noble and precious and as unworthy of the redemption bought by the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ as any human being)...1
Neither is Rorate or the Archbishop of Turin saying that all Muslims according to Vatican Council II and pre Vatican Council II Church- teachings, are oriented to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church.They need 'faith and baptism' for salvation (AG 7,CCC 846).The Muslims in Mosul need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water to avoid Hell according to the official magisterial texts of the Catholic Church.(AG 7,CCC 845,846,Dominus Iesus etc).
Rorate will not state this since New Catholic like the Society of St.Pius (SSPX)  interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise.They asssume that all salvation mentioned in the Council texts (NA 2,LG 16 etc) refer to not invisible for us cases, but to persons seen in the flesh, in the present times.So they are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.They are examples of non Catholics saved outside the Church.
If New Catholic interprets Vatican Council II without this irrational premise of being able to see the dead who are exceptions to Tradition, then Vatican Council II would not be in conflict with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The Council would be traditional on other religions and ecumenism.
This is a subject Rorate does not mention.
According to Vatican Council II (AG 7) Muslims in Mosul are not informed that they are going to the same place where the Catholic Church teaches, Mohammad went. According to Lumen Gentium 14 they cannot be saved who knowing  about Jesus and the Church do not enter the Church. The Quran shows that Mohammad knew.
This is the teaching of Vatican Council II and not a pre Vatican Council II document on Islam.Vatican Council II (AG 7) says all need faith and baptism and none of the founders of the religion of Mohammad had faith and baptism.
We appreciate the 'good and holy'(Nostra Aetate) things in Islam. We love Muslims and other non Catholics since Jesus asks this of us.We also know that they are all going to Hell with no known exception in 2014.Those saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16), a ray of the Truth(NA 2) etc are posibilities only.They are known to God only. They are not known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Ad Gentes 7.We cannot meet someone in Mosul or elsewhere who is saved or will be saved, in invincible ignorance, the seeds of the Word(AG 11), elements of sanctification and truth(LG 8) etc. We cannot  shake hands with any one on the street who does not need faith and baptism for salvation.Vatican Council II is in agreement with the Syllabus of Errors when there is no irrational premise used in the interpretation.
But who is going to tell all this to the Muslims in Mosul or Italy? It is not going to be New Catholic or the Bishop of Turin.Rorate is free to fill in the blanks left empty by Monsignore Cesare Nosiglia.What's stopping him?
New Catholic will not tell Muslims that Jesus said those who do not believe will be condemned (Mk.3:5) and so they need the baptism of water,with Catholic Faith, for salvation (John 3:5).Both are protecting their interests,one is in the USA and the other in Turin.
On Rorate Caeili there are so many reports on Vatican Council II.It is always, Vatican Council II with the dead man walking and visible inference.This is the politically correct version of the Council accepted by the liberals, too.No one will complain.
Rorate is not going to say that Vatican Council II is in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
The politically safe, looking after n.1 policy is part of the general dhimmitude we see today. It is not restricted to Turin.-Lionel Andrades


And the 2014 Dhimmi Award goes to...

...Monsignore Cesare Nosiglia, the Archbishop of Turin, Italy, for the most adulatory Ramadan or Eid-al-Fitr greeting card or letter ever published south of the Alps. Or north of them.

When sending greetings to members of another faith, there is courtesy and politeness, when circumstances absolutely demand the greeting. Then there is flattery. And then there is just plain sycophancy.
Islam is not a religion of "nice". Islam is a religion of Law and Power. Law, Polity, Faith are inseparable, and the faithful Muslim is (and in this he should be praised for acting upon what he wrongly believes) always seeking the accomplishment of the three realities in one, whenever circumstances allow them.

The following displaced Christian woman, interviewed by Assyrian-owned Ishtar TV this week shows this well. Remember that her family has been in what is now Northern Iraq forever, that there were Christians in her city of Mosul (Nineveh) certainly days or weeks after Pentecost, Jewish or Proselyte pilgrims who had been in Jerusalem for the Feast of Shavuot and, probably by way of Damascus, returned to their land filled with the Spirit and the Good News of the Resurrected Messiah. Then, six centuries later came the invading Arab hordes and, with time and pressure, and new populations, a Christian population became a Muslim-majority population.
Now, one can only imagine how many millions of times the lady and her ancestors had greetings of Muslim feasts for their neighbors. But, with the most brutal regime for centuries in town, most Muslims (not all, of course, but almost all, other than one or other heroic Muslim), sensing the times, turned on their Christian neighbors -- that is how centuries of polite greetings from Christians were returned: "Ordinary Muslim citizens are treating us like this in Mosul." Please, take a look -- she knows the Koran well, but that was not enough to save her family from expulsion and expropriation:
The members of the religion of Mohammed can sense more than any other adherent of any faith the weakness in others. It is not due to any inherent evil in them as human beings (they are as noble and precious and as unworthy of the redemption bought by the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ as any human being); it is, as we said above, the way the structure Polity-Law-Creed that is their faith functions. When they sense they can advance, they will. Therefore, a polite greeting can be interpreted as mere courtesy. But bishops in particular, who are the leaders of the Catholic faithful and who are, for this reason, usually treated as the political leaders of Christian minorities in Muslim lands (because that is the way Muslims view matters), must be careful not to send messages of lavish adulation, which are rightly interpreted by most Muslims as submission -- which is, after all, the very name of Islam.

So, yes, by all means, dear Lord Bishops, if you wish to be courteous, limit yourselves to greeting cards with a couple of words. More than that, and, even if you are not aware of it, you are calling for much, much more than you can handle.

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