Sunday, July 13, 2014

Security is an impediment to living the Faith- Jesuit priest

 Sandro Barlone
Fr.Sandro Barlone S.J a professor at the  Pontifical Gregorian University Rome, today evening remarked on how security could be an impediment to the faith-life. He was delivering the homily at a church in Rome.
It was a passing comment in a homily at which I had 'tuned off'.
He briefly also mentioned St.Ignatius of Loyola and the Spiritual Exercises which he possibly conducts while denying the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to St.Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuit saints and missionaries, is in accord with Vatican Council II (AG 7) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846 Outside the Church No Salvation).Possibly he denies this for reasons of security which becomes an impediment to proclaiming the doctrines of the Catholic Faith.
For reasons of 'security' the Rector at the Gregorian University and Fr.Bryan Lobo S.J are teaching the 'theology of religions'.This is heretical.
For reasons of 'security' during the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI this Jesuit University in Rome held a conference on Teilhard di Chardin.
For reasons of 'security' a professor at the Gregorian University has put forward a theology of the holocaust? Even when this subject cannot be discussed freely and could result in  criminal charges ?
For reasons of 'security' Fr.Barlone would not respond to my e-mails and affirm the Catholic Faith. He was not willing to affirm Vatican Council II in agreement with extra ecclesiam nulla salus and he was distributing the Eucharist and offering Holy Mass today .You deny a defined dogma, change the Nicene Creed and reinterpret Vatican Council II using an irrational inference and offer Mass as if there is no sin.
Fr.Barlone mentioned the infer faith prayers held recently at the Vatican and I thought to myself ,that,  for reasons of security Pope Francis also did not canonize Pope Pius XII.He also  received 'instructions' to canonize Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI.Many of our Holy Father's statements have assured him of his security and that of the Vatican .
Fr.Barlone was speaking in the context of the Gospel Reading .It was about the parable of the sower.Some lost the Word, they lost the Faith because of worldly concerns and security.
Worldly concerns are preventing the Jesuit priests at the Gregorian University from saying that the Jewish Left visiting professors at the Cardinal Bea Centre for Jewish Studies, are oriented to Hell ( Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II, Catechism of the Catholic Church 845,846,Dominus Iesus 29 etc).The homily was a disconnect with the activity at the Gregorian and other pontifical universiities now under 'foreign control' for 'security reasons'.
Fr.Barlone and the other Jesuits professors are safe from the threat of legal action through anti Semitism and other leftist laws. If push comes to a shove they will deny the Catholic Faith ( they are already doing so) to protect themself.They will say 'We do not affirm the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church in accord with Vatican Council II. We teach that there are defacto known cases in 2014 of non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16), a ray of the Truth(NA 2) etc.These are visible, seen in the flesh cases for us Jesuits.So they are exceptions to all needing the baptism of water for salvation.'
This is security! This is why so many Catholics needed Cardinal Carlo Martini S.J . The former Rector at the Gregorian University allowed Catholics the security of their jobs in an hostile leftist environment.They were encouraged to deny their faith and were assured that they were still Catholics and were  going to Heaven. Cardinal Martini's life and death were extolled by the Jewish Left leaders in Italy,. Many of them are directly responsible for the security of the Roman pontifical universities, like the Jesuit one in Rome.

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