Tuesday, July 15, 2014

St. Catherine of Siena on the Indwelling of the Holy Trinity in our souls

Posted by Tantumblogo 
catherine of siena
This if from day 222, The Trinity Within Us:
O Eternal Trinity, One God, One in essence and Three in Persons, You created man to Your image, so that by the three powers of his own soul he would resemble Your Trinity and Unity. [St. Gemma Galgani said that she could not imagine that a God Who created us in His Image would not want us to have Him for our highest end] Through this likeness he is united with You; that is, by His memory, he is joined to and resembles the Father, to whom power is attributed; by his intellect, he resembles and is united to the Son, to whom wisdom is attributed; by his will, he resembles and becomes one with the Holy Ghost, the love of the the Father and the Son, to whom mercy is attributed. [I tell you, one could meditate on the nature of the Holy Ghost for a lifetime and not begin to plumb the depths of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity]
thCAFYZ8Z3O Father, grant that I may unite my memory to You by always remembering that You are the beginning from which all things proceed. O Son, unite my intellect to Yours and grant that I may perfectly judge all things according to the order established by Your wisdom. O Holy Spirit, grant that I may unite my will to You by loving perfectly that mercy and love which are the reason for my creation and for every Grace given to me, without any merit on my part. [All we can do is cooperate with Grace. As Our Blessed Lord said, "Without Me, you can do nothing." (St. John, XV:15) And, "when you have done all you are required to do, say, we are unprofitable servants." (St. Luke XVII:10)]
O mighty, Eternal Trinity, may You be thanked for all the love You have shown us in forming and sweetly endowing our soul with its powers; an intellect to know You, a memory to remember You, a will to love You above all things! saint catherine of sienna small It is reasonable that knowing You, O Infinite Goodness, I would love You; and this love is so strong that neither the devil nor any other creature can take it from me against my will.
O power of the Eternal Father, help me; wisdom of the Son, illumine the eye of my intellect; sweet mercy and love of the Holy Ghost, inflame my heart and unite it to Yourself.
O Eternal Trinity, my sweet Love, You Who are Light, give me light; You Who are Wisdom, give me wisdom; O supreme Fortitude, give me strength. O Eternal God, You are the calm ocean where souls dwell and are nourished, and where they find their rest in the union of love.
————–End Quote————–
I really need to study St. Catherine more. I’ve read several good biographies of the Saint, but I have only slightly delved into her voluminous writings. Her Dialogue is very deep, I can say that much.
Oh St. Catherine, pray for us poor, timid, weak souls! We are so easily lost and distracted! We continually place our will before God’s! Pray that the Lord have mercy on us, and that your prayers above may truly always be on our lips and in our heart!
St_ Catherine of Siena Gladbach


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