Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Those who support Fr.Leonard Feeney are still not pointing it out to all that salvation in Heaven is invisible for us

It's interesting, and sad, to see how on a Catholic traditionalist forum they infer that the baptism of desire is explicit for us.
This is false. The baptism of desire is always invisible for us.
This was the mistake of the Letter of the Holy Office.The Letter  assumed there were explicit exceptions to the the dogma on exclusive salvation.The interpretation of  Fr.Leonard Feeney.
Here are posts from the forum CathInfo. (Crisis in the Church), with my comments.-L,A


Leonard Feeney SJ did not invent the heresy which denies Baptism of Desire(BOD) and Baptism of Blood(BOB). It was alredy known to be a heresy propagated long before Feeney began to profess this heresy.


The denial of BOD was aleady known to be a heresy well before Fr. Feeney fell for this old heresy. In my reply to a Feeneyite along with its links to informative articles, you will find all you need in order to understand (except the distinction between explicit and implicit BOD will not be found ) that BOD & BOB are defined doctrines of the universal & ordinary magisterium that must be believed with divine and Catholic faith. (We can  believe in invisible for us baptism of desire or explicit for us baptism of desire)
Dear Feeneyite,

I have examined your entire exposition attempting to critique my position on Baptism of Desire. It is riddled with fallacious assumptions; such as your false attribution to me of an error on the point of necessity of precept vs. necessity of means. Another gross error you make is to equate the doctrine of Baptism of Desire, which pertains to the universal magisterium of the Church, with mere opinions that the Church has tolerated but never has taught or approved. (No one has mentioned that the  baptism of desire is always implicit for us so it is not an exception to the interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney, as it was known through the centuries ) 
Before the doctrine of BOD would have been explicitly and universally set forth by the ordinary magisterium, it would have been permissible to hold a contrary opinion; but that is now and for many centuries no longer the case. BOD as well as BOB (explicitly professed in the Roman Martyrology) have been definitively set forth by the universal & ordinary magisterium, and are therefore infallible and must be believed with divine and Catholic faith.(A BOD which is always known only to God and unknown to us in personal cases) It has become universally defined by the magisterium in no small part, first; because it had been taught by St. Thomas Aquinas and other medieval Doctors, secondly; because the application of the dogma of Trent to this point by St. Alphonsus has been formally approved by Gregory XVI and by Pius IX, and has been explicitly taught by Pope Pius IX and Pope Pius X in their ordinary magisterium (none of them referred to a visible to us baptism of desire). Furthermore, the 1917 Code of Canon Law prescribed as a universal statute that deceased Catechumens are to be given a Catholic burial and "are to be counted among the bapitzed" (can. 1239). ( Even if they were saved without the baptism of water these cases are not visible to us in the present times ( 2014). So they cannot be exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They are not relevant to the dogma).St. Pius X teaches that those who have been sanctified by baptism of desire are in the Church not as incorporated members, but in so far as they belong to "the soul of the Church". The basis for this teaching of St. Pius X is the doctrine of St. Robert Bellarmine who succinctly explains in what manner such catechumens are to be considered to belong to the soul of the Church. This distinction was already taught by St. Augustine. (without any reference to an explicit for us baptism of desire).
Leonard Feeney SJ was not the originator of this heresy ( it becomes a heresy when BOD is assumed to be explicit. Then of course it will contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is the position of Fr.Paul Kramer and the SSPX.). The eminent late Nineteenth Century early 20th Century theologian, Francisco Marin-Sola OP, mentions that there have already been some heretics teaching this doctrine: “Certain heretics have affirmed that no adult can be saved without receiving baptism itself before he dies, however much he would burn with desire for it, and that it would do him no good unless he were washed with water."

The precise quotations from magisterial sources are presented in the two articles indicated below which more than sufficiently demonstrate beyond all shadow of doubt that Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood are infallible definitions of the Church which must be believed with divine and Catholic faith, under penalty of heresy and eternal damnation. (The articles assume wrongly that BOD and BOB refer to visible cases. Then it is further inferred that these visible cases are exceptions in the present time, for all to convert formally into the Church. It is upon this false premise, that a theology has been created.)
Fr. Paul Kramer



On the Feeneyite heresy, Fr. Framer is an expert, and understands it very well.  

Feeneyism is one of the more dangerous modern heresies, and it must be stopes before it spreads further, and contaminates more Catholics.
(Lionel: By Feeneyism he means the rejection  of the baptism of desire ( explicit for us).
He still has no concept of an implicit  for us baptism of desire.)

So are we to believe Fr. Kramer or the infallible Magisterium of the Eternal Church, which cannot err since it is indeed divinely protected by the Holy Ghost?
(Lionel: The Holy Spirit throughout  the centuries has not taught  that there was explicit for us BOD and BOB. This new doctrine of explicit for us BOD and BOB originated in the 1940's in Boston).

Fr. Kramer is merely witnessing to the infallible magisterium of the Catholic Church which has taught Baptism of Desire.  It is de fide.  Those who deny it are professing heresy.

(Lionel: Again he is referring to explicit for us baptism of desire. He does  not realize that BOD can only be implicit  for us, something hypothetical.)

Will an honest NSAAer please step up and publicly admit that the sacraments are optional, that they are not necessary for salvation please?
(Lionel: He is correctly defending the dogma as it was taught in the  Church over the centuries by the  Holy Spirit. Perhaps he too thinks BOD is explicit for us.
He has not mentioned invisible for us BOD is not an exception  to the dogma.Those who support  Fr.Leonard Feeney are still not pointing it out to all that salvation
 in Heaven is invisible for us and so  cannot be a known case in 2014.
It cannot be an exception to the traditonal interpretation of Fr..Leonard Feeney.) 
-Lionel Andrades






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