Saturday, July 26, 2014

Two months of USCCB Daily Mass Reading Catechesis and no video says formal entry into the Catholic Church is necessary for salvation


The Good News has been changed and the Gospel is not being preached.Only that is being preached which the Enemy permits.

During the whole month of May and July not once did any of the speakers reflecting on the Daily  Mass Readings on the USCCB video, ever say that the Church was necssary for salvation. They mentioned  Jesus without the necessity of formal entry
into the Catholic Church for salvation. n.

There were reflections on Jesus saying, 'I am the Gate', and 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life' but not once was it said that Jesus identifies with the Catholic Church His Mystical Body outside of which there is no salvation.
In two months of catechesis by differenct speakers not once did any one say that the Catholic Church was necessary for salvation. Instead it could have been Jesus with the Protestant and Evangelical communities or Jesus with the Jehovah's Witnesses or Jesus with a member of a non Catholic religion(Jew,Muslim) who is saved in his religion through Jesus and the Church and without knowing Jesus.
I have not had time to listen to the Daily Reflection during June which are still there on the USCCB website.It could very well be three months with no mention of the Catholic Church as being necessary for salvation.
This is the New Evangelisation. It is Jesus without the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation.The Vatican Curia has not been given permission by the Jewish Left 'magisterium' to speak on the necessity of the Catholic Church in which all need to enter, to avoid Hell and go to Heaven.
Priests and religious are afraid of being suspended if they mention the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation.The Chief Rabbi in Rome would say this is anti Semitic.
Lay persons would be threathened economically or career wise  if they  said that all non Catholics are on the way to Hell according to the teachings of the Catholic Church(Vatican Council II,AG 7), unless they convert with 'faith and baptism'.
So the USCCB personell are protecting their careers by talking only about having a personal relationship with Jesus and the necessity of Jesus for salvation.They never say that to be saved by Jesus it is necessary  to enter formally into the Church; with faith and baptism(AG 7).So the present USCCB catechesis contributes to the leftist understanding of an  'ecumenism of non return' and inter religious dialogue without the need to convert into the Catholic Church.This is politically acceptable and recommended.It is politically acceptable to those who in public advocate abortion, homosexuality, atheism and othe pro-Satan values.
Often a Catholic religious to hide the real reason why he denies the Faith, will say "Fr.Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for saying all need to enter the Church for salvation and there are no exceptions".Even traditionalists here deny the Catholic Faith with this canard.
Just imagine it! Two months and there were so many opportunities to talk about all non Catholics going to Hell unless they convert.
The Good News has been changed and the Gospel is not being preached.Only that is being preached which the Enemy permits.Its Catholicism without the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation.
-Lionel Andrades


2014-05-01 Reflection (2-559)
2014-05-02 Reflection (2-271)
2014-05-03 Reflection (2-561)
2014-05-04 Reflection (A-46)
2014-05-05 Reflection (2-273)
2014-05-06 Reflection (2-274)
2014-05-07 Reflection (2-275)
2014-05-08 Reflection (2-276)
2014-05-09 Reflection (2-277)
2014-05-10 Reflection (2-278)
2014-05-11 Reflection (A-49)
2014-05-12 Reflection (2-279)
2014-05-13 Reflection (2-280)
2014-05-14 Reflection (2-564)
2014-05-15 Reflection (2-282)
2014-05-16 Reflection (2-283)
2014-05-17 Reflection (2-284)
2014-05-18 Reflection (A-52)
2014-05-19 Reflection (2-285)
2014-05-20 Reflection (2-286)
2014-05-21 Reflection (2-287)
2014-05-22 Reflection (2-288)
2014-05-23 Reflection (2-289)
2014-05-24 Reflection (2-290)
2014-05-25 Reflection (A-55)
2014-05-26 Reflection (2-291)
2014-05-27 Reflection (2-292)
2014-05-28 Reflection (2-293)
2014-05-29 Reflection (2-58)
2014-05-30 Reflection (2-295)
2014-05-31 Reflection (2-572)


2014-06-01 Reflection (A-59)
2014-06-02 Reflection (2-297)
2014-06-03 Reflection (2-298)
2014-06-04 Reflection (2-299)
2014-06-05 Reflection (2-300)
2014-06-06 Reflection (2-301)
2014-06-07 Reflection (2-302)
2014-06-08 Reflection (A-62)
2014-06-09 Reflection (2-359)
2014-06-10 Reflection (2-360)
2014-06-11 Reflection (2-361)
2014-06-12 Reflection (2-362)
2014-06-13 Reflection (2-363)
2014-06-14 Reflection (2-364)
2014-06-15 Reflection (A-164)
2014-06-16 Reflection (2-365)
2014-06-17 Reflection (2-366)
2014-06-18 Reflection (2-367)
2014-06-19 Reflection (2-368)
2014-06-20 Reflection (2-369)
2014-06-21 Reflection (2-370)
2014-06-22 Reflection (A-167)
2014-06-23 Reflection (2-371)
2014-06-24 Reflection (2-587)
2014-06-25 Reflection (2-373)
2014-06-26 Reflection (2-374)
2014-06-27 Reflection (2-170)
2014-06-28 Reflection (2-573)
2014-06-29 Reflection (A-591)
2014-06-30 Reflection (2-377)


2014-07-01 Reflection (2-378)
2014-07-02 Reflection (2-379)
2014-07-03 Reflection (2-593)
2014-07-04 Reflection (2-381)
2014-07-05 Reflection (2-382)
2014-07-06 Reflection (A-100)
2014-07-07 Reflection (2-383)
2014-07-08 Reflection (2-384)
2014-07-09 Reflection (2-385)
2014-07-10 Reflection (2-386)
2014-07-11 Reflection (2-387)
2014-07-12 Reflection (2-388)
2014-07-13 Reflection (A-103)
2014-07-14 Reflection (2-389)
2014-07-15 Reflection (2-390)
2014-07-16 Reflection (2-391)
2014-07-17 Reflection (2-392)
2014-07-18 Reflection (2-393)
2014-07-19 Reflection (2-394)
2014-07-20 Reflection (A-106)
2014-07-21 Reflection (2-395)
2014-07-22 Reflection (2-396)
2014-07-23 Reflection (2-397)
2014-07-24 Reflection (2-398)
2014-07-25 Reflection (2-605)
2014-07-26 Reflection (2-400)
2014-07-27 Reflection (A-109)
2014-07-28 Reflection (2-401)
2014-07-29 Reflection (2-607)
2014-07-30 Reflection (2-403)
2014-07-31 Reflection (2-404)

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