Saturday, July 19, 2014


I have sent these blog posts to so many of the offices of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and no one has issued a denial. No one has said that the USCCB does not teach an irrationality.No one has said that the USCCB does not encourage all magisterial texts to be interpreted with an irrationality. They all agree that all magisterial texts must be interpreted with an irrational premise and this is their policy for all the Catholic dioceses in America. They all agree it is the policy of the USCCB to assume that the dead who are  saved with the baptism of desire and in invincible ignorance and who are now in Heaven in 2014 are physically visible to us on earth -and these cases are explicit exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition.
The USCCB has no comment when I say that I accept Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church with all salvation mentioned in it , as being invisible for me and visible only for God. So there are no known exceptions in Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Fr.Leonard Feeney. I affirm implicit for us baptism of desire and reject explicit for us baptism of desire. I affirm implicit for us baptism of desire and also the traditional interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.It does not violate the Principle of Non Contradiction since salvation in Heaven is not visible to us on earth.
Doctrine: I have sent these posts to the office on Doctrine of the USCCB. No one replies.The USCCB is teaching a false doctrine.It is saying that there are visible on earth exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So every one does not need the baptism of water in 2014 to go to Heaven and avoid Hell. There are de facto known exceptions.The baptism of desire for example is a defacto visible exception for the USCCB Doctrinal Committee. This  was expressed in the Notification on Fr.Peter C. Phan and in the recent USCCB  Daily Mass Reflection-video by Jem Sullivan.
Ecumenical and Inter Religious Affairs Office: There has been no comment .They assume that all non Catholics do not need to enter the Church with the baptism of water to go to Heaven and to avoid Hell.Since they infer that one could meet a person on the streets who has been saved or will be saved without the baptism of water  and Catholic Faith.
Media Relations and Communication Offices: They have no clarification to issue. It is being said that the USCCB encourages an irrational premise to be used in the interpretation of magisterial texts. This is a falsehood a public lie on their part. This office agrees with  me.
Evangelisation and Catechesis. There has been no response from this office. They know they are using a false premise in evangelisation and catechesis. They have still not informed Catholics about this falsehood. This irrationality is the norm in their Catechesis and Evangelisation and they will keep silent about it.
Divine Worship: There has been no denial from this office.They assume that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are explicit  for us human beings.This was inferred  in a letter I received from Fr.Dan Merz, Associate Director, Secretariate of Divine Worship,USCCB. So  CCC 1260 refers to visible in the flesh cases for Fr.Merz. So Jem Sullivan in the Daily Mass Readings could not say all need to believe in Jesus in the Catholic Church for salvation.She presented Jesus without the necessity of the Church.She inferred like the others in the USCCBthat we could meet someone in 2014 saved in invincible ignorance etc who did not have to convert with the baptism of water and Catholic Faith. They deny a defined dogma, change the meaning of the Nicene Creed and offer Mass with this mortal sin.This is the mortal sin of faith,which was referred to by St.Thomas Aquinas.
Education: There has been no response from this office.In Religion Classes, Catholic students are told that the Church no more teaches extra ecclesiam nulla salus since being saved in invincible ignorance etc are known, explicit exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma.So they do not say anymore that all non Catholics are on the way to Hell.It is not even mentioned that  according to Ad Gentes 7, all need faith and baptism for salvation and that there are no exceptions to AG 7 mentioned in Vatican Council II. LG 16,LG 8,NA 2 etc are not exceptions since there are no visible cases in 2014.They refer to possibilities known only to God.They are not exceptions to the traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is not taught by the USCCB since telling a lie, an irationality is the USCCB public policy for Catholics and non Catholics.
Vocations: There has been no response. The public policy is that all candidates with a  religious vocation must accept that they can see the dead now in Heaven who are known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. This is the irrational reasoning they must use also in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. NA 2 ' a ray of the Truth', must be considered as being physically visible in 2014. This irrationality is a criteria for accepting candidates with a religious vocation.Those candidates who do not accept the dead man walking and visible theory are at a disadvantage.Being able to see ghosts saved in 'imperfect communion with the Church' (UR 3), 'seeds of the Word' (AG 11), 'elements of sanctification and truth' (LG 8) etc is the criteria for acceptance.
Copies of these blog posts were also sent to the Administration and Secretariate of the USCCB and no has denied that a major error is being taught by the USCCB.
-Lionel Andrades

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