Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Boniface at Unam Sanctam Catholicam like the SSPX uses modernism in the interpretation of magisterial documents ?

Boniface on the blog Unam Sanctam Catholicam has written on modernism with reference to Pope  Pius X.
Boniface  after so many years, still finds it difficult to address a modernistic interpretation of the Catechism of  Pope Pius X and also that of Vatican Council II made by him and the Society of St.Pius X.

I sent him this is post on the irrationality in the interpretation of the Catechism of Pope Pius X and he ignored it.

He is using modernism, as is the SSPX and the sedevacantists in the interpretation of the Catechism of Pope Pius X and also Vatican Council II.
In the Catechism of Pope Pius X 27 Q is not contradicted by 29 Q unless you assume that those who have received implicit desire (baptism of desire) are explicit for us and Boniface and the SSPX and the sedevantists CMRI,MHFM do just this!
27 Q. Can one be saved outside the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church?
A. No, no one can be saved outside the Catholic, Apostolic Roman Church, just as no one could be saved from the flood outside the Ark of Noah, which was a figure of the Church.-Catechism of Pope Pius X 1905,Rome.
29 Q. But if a man through no fault of his own is outside the Church, can he be saved?
A. If he is outside the Church through no fault of his, that is, if he is in good faith, and if he has received Baptism, or at least has the implicit desire of Baptism; and if, moreover, he sincerely seeks the truth and does God’s will as best he can such a man is indeed separated from the body of the Church, but is united to the soul of the Church and consequently is on the way of salvation. -Catechism of Pope Pius X, Rome 1905
Boniface recently posted an article on Vatican Council IIand how it was a rupture with the past according to some of the Council Fathers. I  sent him an e-mail showing how it was the use of the false premise which made Vatican Council II a break with the past.This is the same error made in the interpretation of the Catechism of Pope Pius X. Perhaps he is still studying that post- or, still does not know what I am saying.
-Lionel Andrades

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