Saturday, August 9, 2014

Fischer More College discriminated against by other Catholic universities : forced to tell a lie

The professors at the Fischer More College, Fort Worth, Texas USA, do not have a mandatum to teach since they reject Vatican Council II.They believe there are  explicit exceptions in  Vatican Council II to Tradition.However Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille, Associate Professor and Chairman of the Department of Theology-Philosophy, University of Saint Francis,Fort Wayne, IN,USA ,  a Catholic University has a mandatum.1. For him too here are explicit exceptions in Vatican Council II to Tradition and he welcomes this.The Fischer More College assumes Vatican Council II  has explicit exceptions and so rejects it.Dr.De Ville assumes Vatican Council II has explicit exceptions and does not reject the Council. They both do not know that there are no explicit exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ? Only if one uses the irrational premise are there explicit exceptions.
At the University of Dallas and the Ave Maria University,Florida, both Catholic universities in the USA ,they have to teach the same error(visible exceptions to Tradition) to keep the local bishop's mandatum.Implicit- for- us being saved in invincible ignorance (Lumen Gentium 16) is allegedly explicit for them.The Catholic professors of theology teach a falsehood here. They are teaching a lie.They do this with the approval of the local bishop.While Fischer More College is not supported by the local bishop and is not allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass.
Feast of the Assumption_07
There is discrimination here.
A Catholic university which tells a lie and claims the dead are visible and so are exceptions to all needing the baptism of water,is encouraged.While the Fischer More College which rejects Vatican Council II with this false premise is punished in public by the bishop.
The Fischer More College could protest to the secular authorities against the other universities, teaching a factual error and being allowed to function.These Catholic universities teach a falsehood.
This  falsehood may be the public policy of the Vatican and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) but the Fischer More College and Academy were  discriminated against.Since they are not using the lie they cannot function as an education instituition while the other colleges can do so because of the falshood, the dead man walking and visible inference, the explicit-dead theory.
The other Catholic colleges which use the lie have an increase in admissions and finances while for the Ficher More College it is the opposite.This is part of the secular politics of the USCCB and the Vatican.
Fisher More Academy
For secular and political reasons the USCCB calls for a theological separation between 1) Jesus and the Catholic Church and 2) the Kingdom of God and Jesus.This contradicts Dominus Iesus and Vatican Council II ( Ad Gentes 7).
The Congregation for Catholic Education and Pope Benedict have approved this objective error being taught in Catholic  educational institutions.It also has the approval of the Bilateral Permanent Working Commission between the Holy See and the State of Israel. 2.
From religion classes in Catholic schools to the doctoral level in Catholic universities it is taught that invisible- for- us cases are visible. In other words, we can see and know the dead in the present times, who are now also in Heaven. These deceased it is inferred are known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
This error has been approved in two theological papers of the International Theological Commission,Vatican and the same factual mistake is there in interviews given by Cardinal Gerhard Muller and Archbishop Augustine Di Noia to the National Catholic Register. They were asked by Edward Pentin about extra ecclesiam nulla salus and they  assumed that hypothetical cases are defacto exceptions to the dogma.
To claim the dead are visible in general is a falsehood. Then to expect the Fischer More College to proclaim this lie would violate secular laws in some countries and would be considered illegal.
So today from the Parish/ school Religion class to the Catholic university in Dallas, Florida etc, this error is being taught with political and financial  advantages but at the cost of the Faith and the Truth.
The President of the Ficher More College must be aware that they are being discriminated against unlike the other Catholic colleges.This is  because they are not willing to proclaim a lie with the interpretation of magisterial documents, in particular Vatican Council II.This is an unfair advantage other Catholic universities have been given over them.They now even have had to close down the Fischer More Academy  on line program for this year.3 They received no help from the other Catholic universities or Bishop Michael Olson.He and his Curia maintain  there are known exceptions in Vatican Council II to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
-Lionel Andrades

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