Friday, August 1, 2014

Francisan Friars of the Immaculate dissidents use phrases like 'being in step with the thinking of the Church' when it means choosing sin and Hell

Sure, this means thinking with the Church and being faithful and obedient to the Vicar of Christ. The extent of damage caused by Roberto de Mattei to our Institute should be now more than obvious, even to those brothers who were encouraged by his support. From this nothing good will come.

This is not an opposition against 'dissidents', or against the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life or the Apostolic Commissioner. AIt is an opposition against Pope Francis. And whoever touches the Pope does not end well. This has been verified repeatedly. I pray that the traditionalists who have been radicalized finally learn the lesson, and I sincerely hope that Roberto de Mattei, and even New Catholic and Francesca Romana at Rorate Caeli, really love what the Church loves and hate what the hates the Church
.-Fr.Angelo Geiger F.I 1
So many of these blog posts over the last few years have been sent to Fr.Angelo Geiger and he has not responded.
Now neither Fr.Angelo Geiger or Fr.Alfonso Bruno have responded when the subject is the Catholic Faith.By now it is clear that the take over of the Franciscans of the Immaculate was ideological and these dissidents are using phrases like 'being in step with the thinking of the Church' and  'obedience to the Vicar of Christ' - even when it means choosing sin and Hell.
There can be only a rational answer to the TWO QUESTIONS and they know it:So they will not answer. They do not want to affirm the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church which is also that of Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7). This dissent they call 'thinking with the mind of the Church' and being 'obedient to the pope'.
They know that if the Franciscans of the Immaculte, the main body, answers these TWO QUESTIONS they will be affirming Vatican Council II and Tradition! Then there would be no excuse to maintain the persecution.Now they can pretend that Vatican Council II is not being accepted.
If the FFI answered the two questions it  would also be a problem for the dissidents who have to accept the ADL version of Vatican Council II .They must  pretend that they ( and we allegedly) can see the dead saved with the baptism of desire and these cases in Heaven are physically visible exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.These deceased, who are invisible to me, are examples for them, of salvation outside the Church.
This issue is related to other religious communities in Rome and also to diocesan religious.Can they accept extra ecclesiam nulla salus and a Vatican Council II with no explicit exceptions to the dogma? Yes they can!

However the Vatican Curia and the auxiliary bishops do not want this.They do not want to answer the TWO QUESTIONS .They do not want to interpret Vatican Council II rationally.Cardinal George Pell will be offering the Traditional Latin Mass in October using a false ecclesiology based on this irrationality of being able to see the dead.These deceased now saved are are alloged exceptions to 'the old ecclesiocentric ecclesiology'. This would be public heresy in Rome in October for the Juventutem youth.
Here are the TWO QUESTIONS related to Vatican Council II that are being avoided.
1) Do we personally know the dead now saved in invincible ignorance, a good conscience (LG 16) etc,can we see them, are they physically visible to us in 2014 ?
2) Since we do not know any of these cases, in real life, they are not visible to us, there are no known exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, or Ad Gentes 7 which says 'all' need 'faith and baptism' for salvation ?
I affirm Vatican Council II in agreement with the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as interpreted by the Church Councils, the popes, saints and Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston and confirmed in Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7).Fr.Angelo Geiger denies this. This is the sin of heresy.He will not affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus in public and considers this thinking with the mind of the Church.( A heretical church?). If you and the others,can deny a defined dogma and interpret the Nicene Creed with an irrationality and then use that same irrationality in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechsim of the Catholic Church, why is it important for the Franciscan Friars and Sisters to accept Vatican Council II ? Whether they accept Vatican Council II with or without the irrationality, why is it so important? Especially  when the FFI dissidents and others in the new ideological- left church, have taken so much liberty with the teachings of the Catholic Church and consider it being 'obedient to the pope' etc.?
For me LG 16 ( invincible ignorance), LG 8 (elements of sanctification and truth), UR 3( imperfect communion with the Church),NA 2( a ray of the Truth),AG 11(seeds of the Word) refer to cases invisible for us and visible only for God. I accept an implicit for us baptism of desire and reject an explicit for us baptism of desire.So there is nothing in Vatican Council II which contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Tradition.Hypothetical cases cannot be defacto exceptions to all needing the baptism of water for salvation in 2014.
For Fr.Angelo Geiger these cases are explict and so Vatican Council II becomes a break with Tradtion.This is irrational. It is also the sin of heresy.
Their Seraphic Father, St.Francis of Assisi affirmed the 'rigorist interpretation' of extra ecclesiam nulla salus just as I do.He referred to heresy, mortal sin and Friars going to Hell.(Little Flowers of St.Francis of Assisi). This teaching is being denied to the Franciscan novices.They have a vocation to the Franciscan life and they are being given new doctrines approved by the Jewish Left.
The Franciscans of the Immaculate can accept Vatican Council II as I do.It is a traditional interpretation. It is a rational one.It is thinking with the mind of Church before and after Vatican Council II according to magisterial texts interpreted without an irrational premise.It is not thinking with the mind of the Church according to the progressivists who claim the dead are visible to them.-Lionel Andrades

Fr.Angelo Geiger and his Franciscans of the Immaculate group cannot accept Vatican Council II ( inference-free) because of extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Fr.Angelo Geiger has deleted the questions I asked him on his new blog

March 4, 2014
No response from Fr.Angelo Geiger F.I : SSPX and F.I must continue to reject Vatican Council II with the dead man walking premise

March 3, 2014
Fr.Angelo Geiger F.I can the Franciscans of the Immaculate understand Vatican Council II as I do ?http://eucharistandmission.blo...
Fr.Angelo Geiger will not say that he finds nothing wrong with my interpretation of Vatican Council II. Neither will he say he approves of it and the SSPX and the F.I could use ithttp://eucharistandmission.blo...
Can the SSPX accept Vatican Council II as I do ?http://eucharistandmission.blo...
Certo, e questo significa pensare cum Ecclesia ed essere fedeli ed obbedienti al Vicario di Cristo. L’entità del danno causato da Roberto de Mattei al nostro Istituto dovrebbe essere ormai più che evidente, anche a quei frati che sono stati incoraggiati dal suo supporto. Da ciò non verrà niente di buono.

Questa non è un’opposizione contro ‘alcuni dissidenti’, o contro la Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita Consacrata e il Commissario Apostolico. E’ un’opposizione contro Papa Francesco. E chi tocca il Papa non finisce bene. Questo è stato verificato reiteratamente. Io prego che i tradizionalisti che sono stati radicalizzati imparino finalmente la lezione, e spero sinceramente che Roberto de Mattei, ed anche New Catholic e Francesca Romana di Rorate Caeli, amino veramente ciò che la Chiesa ama e odino ciò che la Chiesa odia.
L’inganno Cripto-Lefebvriano: un Francescano dell’Immacolata risponde a De Mattei

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