Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Fr.Fidenzio Volpi, Fr.Alfono Bruno given mandatum to teach FFI seminarians an irrationality

Fr.Fidenzio Volpi, Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscans of the Immaculate has pemitted a teaching mandatum to the members of the 'new 'Franciscans of the Immaculate.The Secretary General Fr.Alfonso Bruno can teach the novices that there are non Catholics saved with the baptism of desire, invincible ignorance, a ray of the Truth, seeds of the Word and elements of sanctification and truth - WHO ARE PHYSICALLY VISIBLE ON EARTH.Since these cases are physically visible; since they are known in 2014, they are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. There has been no denial from Fr.Alfonso Bruno. A mandatum has been given to teach this irrationality to the Franciscans of the Immaculate.It is with this irrationality that Fr.Alfonso Bruno and Fr.Fidenzio Volpi interpret Vatican Council II. With this mandatum they do not differentiate between implicit-explicit, invisible-visible,subjective-objective,dejure-defacto,in theory-in practise.Hypothetical cases mentioned in Vatican Council II are defacto exceptions to the dogma on salvation in 2014.The dead-saved are exceptions to all needing the baptism of water in 2014 for salvation. -Lionel Andrades __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
August 6, 2014 I do not use an irrational inference, a false premise, so there is no discontinuity between Vatican II and Tradition ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Monday, August 11, 2014 Fr.Fidenzio Volpi, Fr.Alfonso Bruno go underground : no comment still ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ August 7, 2014 Fr.Fidenzio Volpi OFM cap.,is forcing the Franciscans of the Immaculate to accept an irrational premise with Vatican Council II : 'Socrates is a cat' ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ August 9, 2014 Professor has mandatum to teach there are known exceptions in Vatican Council II to extra ecclesiam nulla salus ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ August 9, 2014 Fischer More College discriminated against by other Catholic universities : forced to tell a lie ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ August 11, 2014 Unethical practise at Dominican Educational Instituions __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ August 7, 2014 CDF must revoke the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 from the Denzinger : Franciscans of the Immaculate issue

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