Monday, August 18, 2014

Fr.Francois Laisney and CathInfo are a block to the SSPX Reconciliation

Ambrose on the Cath Info forum cites Fr.Francois Laisney's book Is Feeneyism Catholic ?. 1.He concludes that it is Catholic Teaching.
Ambrose says:
 I am defending Catholic Teaching right before your eyes.  You have been deceived by heretics.  The door is always open for you to recant, don't let your stubbornness stop you.

Fr.Francois Laisney is a priest of the Society of St.Pius X and this book is published by the SSPX. In this book Fr.Laisney assumes that the baptism of desire is visible to us. Then he concludes that this visible to us baptism of desire is an explict exception to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Fr.Leonard Feeney.
He does not realize that the baptism of desire is always implicit, invisible, subjective, theoretical and only hypothetical for us.Hypothetical cases cannot be known exceptions to all needing the baptism of water in 2014 for salvation.There are no exceptions.
It is this error which the SSPX has extended to Vatican Council II.It is blocking their reconciliation.
In a previous post I wrote:
The Society of St,.Pius X (SSPX) priests and leadership are afraid to admit that there is a a rational interpretation of the Council and it is in accord with Sacred Tradition.
Lay Catholics, friends of the SSPX must not allow the progessivists to take advantage  of this general ignorance.2
There is is one simple step required for this reconciliation.It is this.
The SSPX must admit that all salvation in Heaven is not physically visible and known to us in 2014.These persons are seen and known only to God.
Now with this rational statement, appeal to the SSPX to do theology and philosophy.
Also ask them to have the integrity to answer questions about the Catholic Faith and to admit when they are irrational and wrong.
Ask Bishop Bernard Fellay and the SSPX priests how can they imply that Nostra Aetate 2( saved with a ray of the Truth)  is an exception to Tradition? (Do they know any case in 2014 ? Does Vatican Council II say that these cases are known to us? Does Vatican Council II say that these cases are an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus?)
Fr.Francois Laisney and CathInfo do not realize that if there are no exceptions in Vatican Council II to extra ecclesiam nulla salus the Council is traditional on other religions.If the Council is traditional then it is not a block for the SSPX being reconciled.
-Lionel Andrades

Reconciliation with the SSPX


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