Saturday, August 2, 2014

No ecumenism with Paolo Detto : Enzo Bianchi threathens judicial action against Riscossa Cristiana

Enzo Bianchi the prior of the liberal Monastery of Bose,known for its heretical teachings, and  who has recently been appointed a member of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity has threathened  legal action against Paolo Detto, the editor of the traditional Riscossa Cristiana,it has been reported by Correspondenza Romana.
According to Riscossa Cristiana, after the defamation suit by the Pontifical College Capranica against the Director of Correpondenza Romana and then the defamation charge against Francesco Colafemmina by Fr.Alfonso Bruno the secretary general of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, now it's the turn of Riscossa Cristiana.
Francesco Colafemmina's who has a blog Fides et Forma has been sued for defamation by Fr.Alfonso Bruno, the secretary general fo the 'new' Franciscans of the Immaculate, it has been reported.
According to Rorate Caeili, Colafemmina said '...the officer was kind enough to explain to me that Father Bruno had written some pages of the complaint, accusing me of having defamed him "as a man and as a religious" saying that he was a "traitor".
Enzo Bianchi has objected to the use of his picture in reports in Riscossa Cristiana critical of him.
-Lionel Andrades

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