Monday, August 18, 2014

Sedevacantists "traditionalists in name only" share the same very mistake with the liberals Novus Ordo Catholics-Cantarella

Cantarella said:
The Holy Office 1949 made a mistake.

 As you know, I for one question whether the Cardinal actually wrote that letter, or whether it was edited.  Certainly the fact that it was released in 1952, after the Cardinal had died, and published only in Cushing's rag raises the suspicion of funny business.
 It is possible. Whoever actually wrote the letter, aligned himself with the partisans of error. The enemies of the dogma and the Church are responsible of spreading this letter and carrying the error over Vatican II documents as to give the impression to the world that the Roman Catholic Church has changed Her salutary dogma of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus and could live in harmony with the world. They were very successful in doing this as it is easily seen nowadays.

What is beyond comprehension though, is that the sedevacantists "traditionalists in name only" share the same very mistake with the liberals Novus Ordo Catholics they abhor and furthermore, they promote and spread this error, as coming from the devil himself.

It is evident that the deceiver of humans, the father of lies, Satan, is behind the negation of EENS, as it gains him billions of souls every single day. It is the same old lie. At the beginning of the century, Satan used the progressive liberal thinking plaguing and infiltrating the Church to this purpose as it was fitting to the age and what was appealing to the world. Nowadays, Satan does the same very thing but hides behind the "traditionalist movement" making Catholics sour and bitter and against each other but still, the same EENS denial prevails! more especially, in the radical minded sedevacantists. 

Hopefully, the good willed soul who reads this is able to perceive the diabolical mastery of the whole thing.

St. Michael, pray for us!

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