Sunday, September 28, 2014

Archbishop Lefebvre was correct. However he like Pope John Paul II was not aware that Vatican Council II could be interpreted with an irrational premise or without it. The Council text is neutral.

Among those who have benefited most, and rather directly so, is every priest of the Roman Rite today who celebrates the traditional Mass; including certain woefully ignorant self-promoting clerics who reap the blessed fruits of +Archbishop Lefebvre’s labor with one hand whilst pointing a calumnous finger at the Society of St. Pius X with the other.
Vatican Council II was being interpreted with an irrational premise and we can still see the results before us. So Archbishop Lefebvre was correct. However he like Pope John Paul II was not aware that Vatican Council II could be interpreted with an irrational premise or without it. The Council text is neutral
Similarly the two SSPX groups and the good Opus Dei priest is not aware that the Council can be interpreted with Cushingism or Feeneyism.They are all using Cushingism.

The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 used an irrational premise and rejected a defined dogma and THEY ALL ACCEPTED THIS as normal.They accepted the Letter and rejected Feeneyism,which was traditional.
When Vatican Council II is interpreted with that same irrational premise, the traditionalists reject Vatican Council as not being traditional and they still reject Feeneyism. The liberals accept Vatican Council ( as a break with the past) and reject Feeneyism.The liberals are rejecting a Vatican Council II which is Feeneyite.
-Lionel Andrades

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