Monday, September 8, 2014

Bishop Fellay must meet Cardinal Muller without an air of doctrinal superiority

Bishop Fellay must go with humility to the meeting with Cardinal Muller admitting that Archbishop Lefebvre made a mistake on doctrine.
The Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) doctrinal superiority attitude must go since they are making the same error as Cardinal Muller, Archbishop Di Noia and Mons.Pozzo.
Archbishop Lefebvre's Hindu saved in his religion in Tibet, through Jesus and the Church, is a hypothetical probability.It  is an unknown case. So in 2014 every one in the SSPX and the Vatican would agree that this case is not real. It  is not an exception, a substitute or replacement , for all needing the baptism of water for salvation.So every one in 2014 needs to formally convert into the Catholic Church with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, Vatican Council II).This is the requirement for members of all religions and atheists, to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.
So with Ad Gentes 7 saying all need faith and baptism for salvation and the SSPX bishops admitting that they do not know any exception in 2014, why does  Bishop Bernard Fellay  say Vatican Council II is a contradiction of the Church's traditional teaching on other religions and Christian communities?
Why does Bishop Bernard Fellay, the Superior General of the SSPX,  say NA 2, UR 3 ( which refer to invisible cases on earth) are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus ? See  this error in his last Communique to Friends and Benefactors.
When will the SSPX pull down all the books they are selling which carries this objective error?
Admit it was a doctrinal error!
Also inform SSPX supporters that we do not know any one in 2014 saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire .Even if  Pope Pius  XII or Pope Francis were to claim that  we can see these cases on earth, for them to be exceptions, to all needing the baptism of water in 2014, it is wrong.
Also if St.Emerentina actually died without the baptism of water (we do not know if she returned to earth to be baptised with water)  it is not an exception in 2014 for all needing the baptism of water to avoid Hell. It is irrelevant to 2014. We  do not know any one in 2014 who is going to be a St. Emerentina. We do not know anyone saved outside the Church or who is going to be saved as such i.e without faith and baptism.
So tell Cardinal Gerhard Muller, Prefect of the Congergation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican  that you affirm Ad Gentes 7 which is in agreement with the Syllabus of Errors , the Catechism of Pope Pius X and extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Also tell him, that for you, there are no known exceptions to Ad Gentes. So there is no new ecclesiology or theology in Vatican Council II. Ask Cardinal Muller he if affirms this.
So according to Vatican Council II all non Catholics need Catholic Faith, which include the Sacraments and the moral and faith teachings of the Church. It includes the acceptance of the pope and the traditional interpretation of the Bible.
According to Vatican Council II ( without the visible- dead exceptions), all the members of the Jewish Left, the liberal rabbis , who have taken over the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome, must convert to avoid Hell. This is a Vatican Council II teaching (AG 7).
The bottom line is this:
1. Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II says all need to convert with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation.We know most people are oriented to Hell since they die without  Catholic Faith and the baptism of water.
2.Lumen Gentium 16, Nostra Aetate 2 etc refer to hypothetical probabilities.
3.Cardinal Muller and Bishop Fellay  do not know any one in 2014 who is an exception to Ad Gentes 7.We do  not know any one in 2014 who can be saved without faith and baptism.
End of the matter. Announce this to Cardinal Muller and to SSPX supporters.
If Cardinal Muller insists on the SSPX accepting Vatican Council II with the irrational inference, tell him, in conscience, you reject this interpretation of the Council.All good Catholics must reject it. It is irrational. A lie 1 is used, in the interpretation, as a hypothesis.So the result, the conclusion, is non traditional.This is the only Vatican Council II ( with the lie) that Pope Francis and the Jewish Left understand.
Also call attention to this error on the websites of the Catholic Bishops Conferences in the USA and Britain.Nostra Aetate 2 is said to be a break with extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Where are the cases in 2014 in the USA or England of someone saved with ' a ray of the Truth'(NA 2) and without the baptism of water?
Please tell Cardinal Muller that you accept Vatican Council II which is traditional on other religions and Christian communities and ask him if he is willing to do the same.
-Lionel Andrades

On lies

Fischer More College discriminated against by other Catholic universities : forced to tell a lie 


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