Friday, September 19, 2014

Bride of Christ : Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Bride of Christ


smiprofess 150On September 8th, 2014, Sister Mary Imelda, novice, the former Mary-Kate Duffy of Shirley, Massachusetts, made her vows to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as His bride. The touching ceremony began when she walked down the aisle in her bridal gown on the arm of her father, and followed by her flower girls, her two younger twin sisters.
A sung Mass was celebrated by Father Neil J. Roy and assisted by many altar servers…

Sr. Gabriel Marie, Novice

sgm 150The feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, August 22, is always preceded by a three-day silent retreat in preparation for the renewal of Vows for the Professed… and this year, it was also a preparation for the reception of a novice!
After completing six months of postulancy, Clare Trimble was accepted into the Noviciate after Mass on the feastday, when she receive the habit and white veil of a novice…

A New Brother Postulant

mdjoins 150The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated here at Saint Benedict Center with a beautiful Missa Cantata and the reception of Michael Duffy as a postulant Brother!
Michael, the identical twin of Brother Christopher Isaac and brother to Sister Mary Imelda, asked during the ceremony for "the mercy of God and the companionship of the community" before he received the black suit of a postulant…

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