Monday, September 8, 2014

Catholic Truth still in ignorance of simple truths

According to the Newsletter of the Catholic Truth, Scotland, a pro SSPX website:

The UK & Irish Bishops plus the Pope and Prefects of every Vatican Congregation receive this publication. If it contradicts Catholic teaching, we invite the Hierarchy to correct us in accordance with their duty under Canon Law # 823

But why would the U.K and Irish Bishops object ? They would be glad that the editor of Catholic Truth and the SSPX, in their ignorance ,are using an irrational inference in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

So Vatican Council II is a break with Tradition when the  irrational premise is used. The discerning liberals are not going to inform the Catholic Truth - or anyone.
The ignorance of Catholic Truth is welcome to the Masons and the rest of the Jewish Left. Catholic Truth rejects Vatican Council II  which is traditional without the premise.

The bishops would complain that Catholic Truth rejects Vatican Council II without specifying if they mean with or without the irrational premise.
Catholic Truth says nothing.

There is an article by Jim Paton titled Journey to the Society of St.Pius X in the Newsletter(September). Jim argues that Unitatits Redintigratio 3 it contradicts the need to be baptised with water in the Catholic Church. This is a typical interpretation of Vatican Council II with the premise and Jim Paton is not aware of it.

Those Christians who are saved as such (UR 3) are not alive on earth in 2014. So they cannot be exceptions to all needing the baptism of water for salvation in the Catholic Church. They are not exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
They are hypothetical cases. They are not de facto known cases in the present times to replace extra ecclesiam nulla salus.I cannot meet a Protestant saved as such.

For the bishops and priests in England UR 3 is an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, since it is inferred to be visible to us in 2014. Is this not absurd? Is this Catholic truth?
When will Catholic Truth comment on this?

So Jim has to re interpret Vatican Council II (UR 3). UR 3 is not an exception to Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441 which he quotes. 
-Lionel Andrades


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