Friday, September 19, 2014

Knights of Malta deny a defined dogma,interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and receive the Eucharist

The Prelate of the Order of Malta is Monsignor Angelo Acerbi. Cardinal Raymond Burke will find that the Prelate and the members of the Order of Malta deny a defined dogma , interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise and change the Nicene Creed and still receive Holy Communion at Mass.
In their theology they would be proclaiming Jesus without the necessity of formal entry into the Catholic Church for salvation. They will also separate the Kingdom of God from the Catholic Church. Like Pope Francis they will present a kerygma without the necessity of 'faith and baptism' (Ad Gentes7 ) in the Catholic Church to avoid Hell and go to Heaven.
Similar to Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz ,Prefect of the Congregation for Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, they will interpret Vatican Council II as break with the dogmas and doctrines of the past.
-Lionel Andrades

Knights of Malta 900 years

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