Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Roman College University with a new Rector conducts outreach program for the Jewish Left

Liberal Jewish Left professors along with their liberal Catholic counterparts are holding  day long seminars from Sept.29-Oct.2 (Ascolta la voce di Sara!) at the St. John Lateran University.The brochures of the program have been placed in Catholic churches in Rome. The Roman College with a new Rector, is is assisting in these   outreach programs among Catholics, for the Jewish Left.

It is being called a Day of Study with Jewish and Christian professors.Catholics in the parishes are invited.The Enemy has been brought into the church.
It is organised by the Catthedra di Popolo di Dio of the St.John Lateran University.
Vatican Council II says ' the Church is the new people of God,' (Nostra Aetate 4)  but for the University profesors Jews are still the people of God. If  Catholic professors  did not say that the Jews are still the people of God, the new Rector would be intimidated.
The previous Rector had said, in public, that Pope Francis is opposing the teachings of Pope John Paul II and the previous popes.He is now an ex- rector.
Since the Vatican is no match for the political and military power of Israel, Catholics accept whatever  changes in Catholic doctrine and teachings are asked of them- so that there may be peace.
The Jewish Left which is pro-Satan, with homosexuality,abortion and other such values which they support ,would not go into  an Islamic center with their propaganda, as they are doing presently in Catholic churches in Rome, with the support of the bishops and the pope.
The Catholic churches in Rome have been taken over by the present leftist goernment appointed by the Communist President.There are plaques placed on the  front door of Rome's churches, by the Italian Interior Ministry.This is announced on the website of this Government Department. Also the Italian Government approves a committee of lay people to oversee the church. The government has a majority in these lay committees. So what the parish priest/ Rector says or does, is controlled indirectly by the Government.-Lionel Andrades

Giornate di studio della Cattedra per la Teologia del Popolo di Dio
Ascolta la voce di Sara! (Gen 21:12)
Il ruolo della donna
Prospettive bibliche – riflessione sulle esperienze nell’ebraismo e nel cristianesimo – e problematiche attuali
“Bisogna lavorare di più per fare una profonda teologia della donna.”
Papa Francesco, intervista a “Civiltà Cattolica”
Sig.ra Maria Jaklitsch (Monaco di Baviera)
Sig.ra Ribi Kalifon (Tzuba, Israele)
Dott.ssa Noa Sophie Kohler (Meitar, Israele)
Dott. George Y. Kohler (Meitar, Israele)
Sig.ra Eva Tyrell (Berna, Svizzera)
Prof. Michael P. Maier (Roma)
Prof. Ludwig Weimer (Monaco di Baviera)
Prof. Achim Buckenmaier (Roma)
Segreteria Organizzativa
Pontificia Università Lateranense
Ufficio Eventi
Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4
00120 Città del Vaticano
Tel 06 69895676 – fax 06 69895697

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