Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Latin Mass Society is part of the Establishment which does not affirm traditional doctrine,ecclesiology and interprets Vatican Council II with an irrationality which is politically correct

IMG_5072Joseph Shaw :
 I confess it: yes, I'm baffled. I've no idea what this chap is saying. He seems to be torn between attacking the Faithful at Blackfen who've had their Mass taken away, and attacking the LMS, but what for, I really have no idea
..and attacking the LMS, but what for, I really have no idea.
The LMS(Latin Mass Society) is part of the Establishment it is not affirming traditional doctrine and ecclesiology and interpreting Vatican Council II with an irrationality which is politically correct.
The issue with the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) is extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
When has the LMS affirmed extra ecclesiam nulla salus?
When has Joseph Shaw,LMS Chairman  supported Fr.Leonard Feeney? Never. The bishops would object.
For the bishops Nostra Aetate 2 refers to visible cases of non Catholics saved without the baptism of water. So this is a break with the traditional dogma. This is the position of Prof. Gavin D'Costa at the University of Bristol,England. Who will oppose Gavin D'Costa ? Not the LMS which is approved by the Vatican.Joseph Shaw has said he is not interested.
-Lionel Andrades

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