Sunday, September 14, 2014

Their father was removed from Boston College when the President Fr.Keleher used an irrationality to interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus

grouponstageii.gifBr. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M.

Bro.Francis (Dr.Maluf) was dismissed as a professor at Boston College since the President was in heresy and wanted all  professors to accept an irrationality in  in interpretation  of  extra ecclesiam nulla  salus, now known as the  Cushingism version.

None of them  at  that time knew of  any exceptions  to  the traditional    interpretation  of extra   ecclesiam nulla salus  yet   Dr.Maluf   was  being  forced  to say   that there   were  exceptions to keep his job. In other words  he   had to  say that he  knew of   cases   saved  with the baptism   of    desire i.e  deceased    were   visible   exceptions to all  needing to  enter  the  Church  for salvation. These deceased  who  are   dead   and   invisible  for us on earth  were   supposed   to   be  exceptions.This was  the  new doctrine at  Boston  College.

This  was heresy.It was also some new fantasy.
Bro.Francis'  daughters  are religious   with the community Slaves of the Immaculate Heart  of Mary, Richmond,N.H,USA. They reject the Cushingism version of extra ecclesiam nulla   salus.

Cushingism has now been incorporated in magisterial  documents  and  is  used  in the interpretation   of Vatican  Council  II. So  a  Vatican  Council II which  is  pastoral  is  in  conflict  with  the dogma  extra  ecclesiam  nulla  slaus.
-Lionel  Andrades

SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Boston College used an irrational premise to remove Catholic professors including Dr.Maluf whose daughters are American religious sisters

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