Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unfurl the Catholic Banner! Open Letter To SSPX Priests Re: Rome Meeting


  1. Regardless as to the claim that Rome and the Society have reached an agreement as to regularization, the following is certain:

    The claim that more than a few Traditionalists have offered, namely that Pope Francis would "outlaw" the ancient Roman Mass, has been demolished.

    1. The very fact that Rome and the Society had met last week demolished said claim.

    2. The fact that Rome and the Society announced that discussions between the respective parties would continue demolished the claim in question.

    Again, back to the beginning, if Rome and the Society have concluded a "deal", then the claim that Pope Francis would ban the ancient Roman Mass has proved absurd.

    Either way, Pope Francis' supposed intention to outlaw the Traditional Roman Mass has been destroyed.




  2. The Traditional Latin Mass with the ecclesiology of outside the Church there is no salvation, stands banned.Example Fischer More College etc.

    The Traditional Latin Mass without the dogma extra ecclesiam null salus is not the TLM.

    The SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012 affirmed extra ecclesiam nulla salus with no exceptions. This is the Feeneyite position.

    The Vatican is using a false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. So the Council emerges as a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

    Can the SSPX affirm Vatican Council II without this false premise.

    Will the Vatican allow them to affirm the Feeneyite instead of the Cushingite version of Vatican Council II and also offer the Traditional Latin Mass ?

    Can a priest who offers the Novus Ordo Mass also affirm Vatican Council II without the irrational premise ?

    The issue is still doctrine and not the Holy Mass.
