Sunday, September 28, 2014

Without the premise ( dead-saved are visible exceptions to the dogma) Vatican Council II is traditional on other religions and Christian communities.

Don’t believe it? Take a look at the documents of the Second Vatican Council wherein one will find such malignant propositions as:
- Christ does not hesitate to use the communities of the heretics as means of salvation (UR 3)
- The Jews of today who reject Christ are one with the children of the Church in His Saving Cross (NA 4)


This can be interpreted according to the liberals as meaning there is a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
For me it is not a break since hypothetically a Protestant or Jew could be saved in his religion, under certain conditions (which could include the baptism of water).However since these cases mentioned above (UR 3,NA 4) are not known to us.They are not explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Neither are they exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.
To imply that these cases are visible to us and so are exceptions to the traditonal teaching on salvation, is Cushingism. You are correct the Vatican uses Cushingism in the interpretation of the Council.
The two examples which you have given can also be interpreted with Feeneyism . There are no exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Those saved in other religions would be saved with the baptism of water and they would be Catholics when they are in Heaven.
Vatican Council II (UR 3,NA 4) has mentioned them but not stated that they are known, objective cases. This has to be wrongly inferred and in general this is the common inference.However we have the choice of accepting them as being hypothetical cases known only to God.They cannot be anything else.If we consider them as hypotehtical cases only, we are not using the irrational premise.We do not infer that they are living persons in 2014.
With Cushingism the examples you have provided above result in ‘ a development of doctrine’ according to the Vatican.This is the position of the Catholic universities in Rome. Without the premise ( dead-saved are visible exceptions to the dogma) Vatican Council II is traditional on other religions and Christian communities.
Lionel Andrades

Second Vatican Council II did not ‘develop’ extra ecclesiam nulla salus it affirmed the Feeneyite position -3

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