Friday, October 31, 2014

But why do the traditionalists condone a modernist teaching?

One Hundred Years of Modernism, Fr. Dominic Bourmaud. (Yes, Lionel it’s from the SSPX but good nevertheless!)
Since 1949 there is modernism in the Catholic Church which has also been accepted by the SSPX and other traditionalists.
The SSPX and the St.Benedict Centers, and also the sedevacantists have the same position on Vatican Council II and salvation, as does Cardinal Walter Kasper.
Kasper I can understand.
But why do the traditionalists condone a modernist teaching?
-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. "But why do the traditionalists condone a modernist teaching?

    -Lionel Andrades "

    Because as mentioned by Berto Slomovicci, the almost unanimous majority of Clerics and laity truly do believe that there is Salvation Outside the Catholic Church and therefore think for someone to claim otherwise is rambling nonsense. There lies the challenge and seemingly insurmountable objective of restoring truth. The fight is a matter of eternal life and death and this issue will be restored to truth.


