Saturday, October 4, 2014

Cardinal George : So long, Judas

Cardinal George JUF
According to Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) all the members of the Jewish United Fund will be lost forever if they do not convert into the Catholic Church.Since they do not have ‘faith and baptism’ needed for salvation.
Nostra Aetate does not contradict Ad Gentes 7 since it does not state that there are known exceptions in the present times (2014) to all Jews needing Catholic Faith and the baptism of water to avoid Hell.
Nostra Aetate also does not state that there are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The teachihg of Extra ecclesiam nulla salus , defined three times, is the same as Ad Gentes 7 .It is placed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 under the title Outside the Church No Salvation.
Thirdly, we personally do not know any one this year or over the years who has been saved without faith and baptism or who is going to be saved as such.
I say that because sometimes people remain uneasy: “We’re fine right now. What happens in the future? Will the Catholic Church change back to its being a carrier of anti-Semitism as it has been in some places over many years?” Should that happen, then it will happen in some group that is no longer living within the terms of Catholic identity as it has been defined for us by Vatican II.-Cardinal George

Ad Gentes 7 is traditional. There is no change in Church ecclesiology according to Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14). The Council does not mention any exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. NA 2,LG 16,LG 8, UR 3 etc refer to cases known only to God and who are not visible on earth.

Since there is no known salvation outside the Church there can be no change in traditional ecclesiology. There can be no basis for a theology of religions since there is no salvation visible to us outside the Church.Every one needs to be a formal member of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell since we do not know of any one saved in 2014 with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance.
Nostra Aetate also extends the notion of remembering in another direction, calling on Catholics to remember the spiritual bonds which unite Jews and Christians. That remains the basis of our ongoing conversation, ensuring that neither party co-opts the other. -Cardinal George
We have spiritual bonds, we have things in common, but Judaism presently is wthout the Messiah(Jesus), without the Sacrifice(The Mass), without the Temple(the Church), without the Ark of the Covenant(The Eucharist),without the Eternal Covenent and they are no more the people of God, the Elect. Vatican Council II says Catholics are ‘the new people of God’ (Nostra Aetate).
The Catholic Church is the continuation of the Jewish religion and outside the Church there is no salvation.Jews are outside the Church since they do not have ‘faith and baptism’( AG 7).
Cardinal George did not tell the Jews that we Catholics believe after Vatican Council II, that they all need to convert into the Church to avoid the fires of Hell ( Cantate Domino, Council of Florence 1441).The dogma refers to the fires of Hell.Jesus tells us that there are some Jews whose father is the devil and he refers to ‘the synagogue of Satan’.The Jewish Left today is pro Gommorrah, abortion, legal atheism and other things Satanic.They are also opposed by good Jews, orthodox Jews, who believe and live the Ten Commandments of Moses,which is good, but not enough for salvation as God the Father has decided(CCC 845)- Lionel Andrades 

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