Monday, October 27, 2014

Heaven Will Be Like The Constant And Endless Reception Of The Holy Eucharist

Heaven Will Be Like The Constant And Endless Reception Of The Holy Eucharist
By Michael H. Brown
I like to think of heaven as a feeling akin to constant and eternal reception of the Eucharist. It's like receiving Christ twenty-four hours a day. It's like the highest point we have ever achieved, and then far higher. It draws me to think of times I've had extraordinary experiences, like the visit to Rome a few years back when, suddenly, although I had no ticket, I found myself moved by the crowd into St. Peter's Basilica one Sunday morning, and there I was -- at a Mass being celebrated by Pope John Paul II.
There are many things you remember from a special Mass. You remember the great feeling that comes from the atmosphere. You remember the graces that pour upon so huge a crowd. But of all things I most remember the joy and at the same time the awesome seriousness on the face of John Paul when he raised the Host during the Consecration.The thousands packed in St. Peter's seemed to stop their very breathing. There was a great hush as the Pope spent quite a while displaying the Host first to one side, then to the front, then to the other side, and then to the back, so magnificently showing Christ in the Eucharist to everyone in the basilica -- a huge, white, shining Eucharist, a Host that nearly seemed to radiate like some of those historic miracles, a Host that even in the darkest of dark, even in a time of great evil, radiates always and everywhere.
In the Blessed Sacrament, we experience a little piece of heaven. Paradise manifests itself through the sacrament. It manifests in the way of peace. It manifests in the calm we feel after Communion. It manifests in the way of miracles visible and invisible.
Just as there were a flurry of Marian apparitions, now we also have a flurry of Eucharistic miracles. I think this is highly significant. People often ask what the future will bring. Well, I think we're going to experience a heightened presence of Jesus. We're going to much better appreciate Communion. We're going to see more force in the sacraments. There will be many signs, and a good number of them will come through the Eucharist. Jesus will radiate yet stronger. We will hear of many healed before the Blessed Sacrament.
This enhanced experience of the Eucharist will signal the reign of the Sacred Heart, and that's good news indeed. The reign of the Sacred Heart will spell the end of much evil. One day soon, it will spell the end of Satan's century. The Presence of Christ dispels the man of perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:8). It joins the Immaculate Heart in announcing victory. Jesus is even now arriving. His Heart will become more prominent and we will see more intervention. But first He must be called. He must be invoked. We must invite Him. So call. Invite Jesus. Call Him from the mountains, call Him from the rooftops. Call to Him in Adoration. Call that He take us to the Face of God and the Light of His Kingdom.

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