Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Kings College responds

King's College,London uses an irrational premise in the interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus
kcl - trs

to Paul, me
Dear Lionel
Thank you for sending us this link. I am glad you brought this to our attention, as we do not have an Annie Paish who works at King's College, London, and we have never heard of her. It is therefore incorrect to say that the premise to which you refer "would be the normal teaching at the King's College London". A quick google search reveals a couple of mentions on the site of King's College, Western University, Canada, however she is not listed on their faculty. In addition, you have posted a photo of one of our former members of staff (not Annie Paish) on your site, suggesting by the context that she is Annie Paish. We would therefore be grateful if you would acknowledge these errors on your blog and remedy this.
Many thanks,
Hilary Batty
Temporary Project Officer
Department of Theology & Religious Studies
Room VB3.12, Virginia Woolf Building
King's College London
22 Kingsway

Tel +44 (0)20 7848 7080
Email trs@kcl.ac.uk
foto di Department of Theology & Religious Studies at King's College London.
For Mr. Hilary Batty from Lionel Andrades Oct.7,2014
Dear Hilary
Kings College, London and the University of Bristol have a Department of Theology and Religious Studies, in which they reject the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, with the irrationality of being able to see the dead now saved and who are alleged examples of salvation outside the Church.
Is it not true that King's College, Department of Theology & Religious Studies uses the irrationality of being able to see the dead now saved and who are alleged examples of salvation outside the Church ?
They make the same error as Annie Paish.
So this would be the normal teaching at King's College London as mentioned in the blog post.
You have not denied it.
Let me help you clarify the issue so it is clear for me :
1. Are you saying that there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in 2014 and therefore every one this year with no exception needs to enter the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell ?
If you are not then you are holding the same position as Annie Paish.
2.Are you saying that Dr Susannah Ticciati and the lady whose picture is taken from your website ( link provided) does not hold the same view as Annie Paish?
3. Are you saying that at Kings College you do not teach that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as inferred in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 ?
4.The same irrationality ( visible-dead exceptions to the dogma) taught by Prof. Gavin D'Costa at the University of Bristol and expressed by Annie Paish, is also the standard teaching at King's College?
5. When Reading the Bible in an Inter-Faith Context is this not Prof. Paul Joyce's understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?
In Christ

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