Monday, October 20, 2014

Michael Matt on the Synod

Posted by Tantumblogo
This came out on Thursday and I meant to post Friday but did not get to it, as usual.  Some pretty good comments below.  Even with the “triumph” of the “orthodox?” at the Synod and the (temporary?) blocking of the agenda of Pope Francis (from this point forward, I will attribute this synodal gambit to its obvious author), there is still much to be dismayed over the course of events this past two weeks.  The disastrous relation is out there, confirming souls in error, millions have been scandalized, radical errors put forward, sin abounds, etc., etc……so perhaps we should not be too cheered that at the 11th hour the wound to the Church turned out not to be life-threatening, but only very serious.  We are still in unprecedented times, the threat of schism is real, and it has become perfectly obvious that we have perhaps the most doctrinally radical Pope in the history of the Church.
That is to say, we have a very great deal to still be concerned and vigilant about.
I do think Matt may go a bit too negative at times.  I’m not sure what time of day this video was recorded, I tend to think it was before the “revolt” that occurred on Thursday was clear.  I am certain he was unaware of some of the vote tallies that have now been leaked on some of these matters – the scandalous comments about sodomites were opposed more than 2:1, and the admission of the divorced and remarried to the Blessed Sacrament by a large majority.  So it was not just a small but vocal minority opposing these destructive novelties – it was the large preponderance of the prelates.  And further commentary over the weekend implies that this papacy may be badly weakened as a result of being shown to be so distant from the mind of the Church.  But we shall see.
I will add this little bit – I do not know how many people answered Cardinal Burke’s call to prayer, and specifically the Chaplet of the Holy Face, but I know we prayed it as a family intently.  I am convinced that to whatever extent Doctrine has been preserved and the forces of relative orthodoxy strengthened, it was due to the prayers of the faithful, so please do not stop even though the Synod is over for now.  The threat remains.

1 comment:

  1. Douay Rheims/ Matthew 3{12
    "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire"

    ...and so we pray and fight for our Faith


    Geor Brener
