Friday, October 17, 2014

Saint Peter Julian Eymard on charity

Saint Peter Julian Eymard on charity

I don't know about y0u, but I need all the reminders, explanations, and exhortations regarding charity that I can get! I'm always appreciative to read such writings by Saints, and then I look at myself and say: "You stink at this!"
You must, therefore, practice charity always and in everything. The opportunities are numberless. If they do not present themselves, look for them. When you are free to choose between two good works, the one personal, the other charitable, choose the latter, it has double merit. But above all, I repeat it, let your charity be humble. Proud charity is egoism or forced benevolence. [Most interesting point. And false humility is a most dangerous thing, as well.]
Examine yourselves on these points: Are you charitable supernaturally? Do you honor brothers by our charity? Are you devoted to them, or your family?
How many sins we commit against charity! In thoughts, for instance, by rash judgments. Remember that what will harass us the most on our death bed - after sins of impurity - will be the memory of our sins against charity. Who called you to be the judge of your brothers? That anxiety at our death - according to Saint Vincent Ferrer - is the punishment of such sins which is meted out even in this world. The first impulses of rash judgments are nothing; but to remain with them, to acquiesce in them, this is to murder our brother in our heart.
And then in words. How many faults pious souls and religious have to reproach themselves with on this point!
There are also the sins against charity in action or by omission. Let us examine ourselves carefully on this point and let us take the means of correcting ourselves.
He who does not sin against his neighbor almost never sins against God either, because love is single, even if it has a twofold object and, as it were, a double channel.
----------End Quote----------
As a controversialist type blogger, much of the above concerns me quite a bit. There is a fine line between correcting errors abroad for the sake of others, for confirming others in their faith through salutary example of things to avoid, or decrying ongoing scandals in our midst, and lapsing into uncharitable judgment in excoriating others. This is something I always try to keep in mind, but I know that I fail at times when pushed to the limits of exasperation.
This is something I think most faithful/traditional bloggers, writers, and commentators struggle with. Some obviously more than others. I do try to be circumspect and balanced at all times, but I will be honest in admitting that balancing the practice of charity with this blogging habit is not always easy. I know some priests who would say just stop, don't mess with it, it's not worth it, but I know others who feel there is great benefit in efforts like mine and simply counsel prudence in all things. I have always tended to hear the latter better than the former - our wills are powerful things!
At any rate, I pray you find the above useful and edifying. I, for one, very much appreciate these calls to examination of conscience I read periodically in the Saints - I just wish and pray I remembered these counsels always, especially when my hot tempered blood is up!
My paternal grandmother, God rest her soul, said her father in law, my great grandfather, was the meanest man she ever knew. My grandfather was a hot tempered man. It runs in families, I tell you. So, in our modern parlance, I'm absolutely blameless, right? Heh.
But those mean men turned 400 acres of Kansas grasslands into a very profitable farming enterprise, well before there was much of any mechanization. I have a photo of my great-grandfather driving a team of 21 horses to pull what passed for a combine in those days.
That same grandmother said Heaven is an 8x10 room, and it's not crowded. And yet somehow we all envision ourselves being there, don't we?
Lord, have mercy on this sinner. That is all I can say.

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