Friday, October 3, 2014

Stop dressing our little girls like @#$%s!

October 2, 2014
Posted by Tantumblogo
So my wife wanted to do a post on this development. As the mother of five daughters, most of them very tall but slender for their ages, she has always had a very hard time finding appropriate, modest clothes for them. I say with no shame whatsoever, we buy most of our girl’s clothes at used shops……they seem to be the only place that have long skirts! It gets worse as they get older – while there are dresses made (especially for Christmas/Easter) for little girls (<12 6="" and="" city.="" daughter="" even="" harder.="" hit="" is="" it="" its="" just="" once="" p="" s="" skimpy="" teens="" their="" they="" when="" your="">
But my wife has really done a very good job of buying both used and new to keep our young ladies and girls looking very smart indeed. I’m sure it’s a problem all good Catholic moms struggle with.
Well, a mommy blogger was at Target recently and got pretty irate over the ludicrously revealing clothes being offered for even toddlers and kindergartners. She did a post and while I can’t really recommend her very secular blog, it seems she may have gotten some results. Apparently that post got picked up by some major news sites, and got the attention of Target management. They claim they are listening to this blogger’s concerns, and those of the many frustrated commenters, and may change what they offer for little girls in particular. I kind of got the impression the mom wasn’t so concerned about older girls wearing daisy dukes and tight tops, which is when it really becomes a problem. But that’s the world we are in today.
A few examples from the blog of what they are selling:
What four year old shouldn't give gratuitous crotch shots?
What four year old shouldn’t give gratuitous crotch shots?
Meant for 7 yo's, inappropriate at any age
Meant for 7 yo’s, inappropriate at any age

So, moms (and dads?), maybe your clothes shopping will be slightly less difficult in the future, but I tend to doubt things will improve, much. These stores stock this stuff because it sells. While there may be niche markets they are losing (like us), this is what most people want for their kids.

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