Friday, October 17, 2014

The SSPX must accept Vatican Council II, lock, stock and barrel, without the irrational inference. This has the hermeneutic of continuity with the past. This Vatican Council II is traditional

Comments from a previous blog post.
Yes Lionel, of course "No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church" can be seen as protected by The Holy Ghost in VCII. But do you not understand that SPPX cannot agree or condone the innumerable heresies and blasphemy taught by VCII, not to mention the extremely vague and ambigious wording that is rampant and must be corrected.
Firstly they can agree that Vatican Council II is traditional on other religions and Christian communties since there are no contradictions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Secondly they can agree that they have been assuming all these years that LG 16,LG 8,UR 3,NA 2 etc are explicit exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is irrational.
Thirdly they can agree that they have been interpreting Vatican Council II as a whole with this irrational premise ( the dead saved in invincible ignorance for example are visible and known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus).
Fourthly they can agree that the Vatican Curia, the liberals and traditionalists are all using this irrational premise in the interpretation.
Fiftly they can agree that Vatican Council II without this irrational premise is in agreement with the SSPX General Chapter Statement 2012 which said there are no exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Finally they can ask the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to also clarify their position on this doctrinal issue.

Other religions and ecumenism are the main issues. Once they agree on extra ecclesiam nulla salus there is new light thrown on religious liberty.

Since they affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus they affirm that all religious, political,social and financial systems have an obligation to be Catholic.

The heresies and blasphemies emerge with the irrational premise used in the interpretation.It would be like watering the roots of a tree. With one simple action all parts of the tree are nourished.Similarly identify the premise and change the Council.

Anonymous George Brenner said...
Lionel, I salute your way of thinking and optimism on Salvation. But it is my understanding that the Vatican demands that SSPX accept VCII lock, stock and barrel and that it is in keeping in keeping with the hermetics of continuity with past Church teaching. The Vatican does not currently in the proper state to humbly accept the grace necessary to even consider let alone do what you have been fighting for many years now. Furthermore especially with the perverted, erroneous and non Catholic positions suggested by those of bad will at the synod on the family, publishing and releasing comments and positions that are non Catholic. Thank God that they are being opposed by many including the courageous Cardinal Burke. Keep fighting Lionel for it will now become ugly along with untold suffering by those who fight for their faith.

 Lionel said...

Lionel, I salute your way of thinking and optimism on Salvation.

The optimism comes from the doctrine. The Truth.Truth has a precision of its own. It has a power of its own.
I only have to repeat it. Perfection is its own strength.

 Lionel  said...
But it is my understanding that the Vatican demands that SSPX accept VCII lock, stock and barrel and that it is in keeping in keeping with the hermetics of continuity with past Church teaching.

Correct. The Vatican Curia want the SSPX to accept Vatican Council II with the irrational inference.This must be rejected.

The SSPX must accept Vatican Council II, lock, stock and barrel, without the irrational inference. This has the hermeneutic of continuity with the past. This Vatican Council II is traditional.

 Lionel said...
The Vatican does not currently in the proper state to humbly accept the grace necessary to even consider let alone do what you have been fighting for many years now. 

True and this does not stop the SSPX and other Catholics from interpreting Vatican Council II without using the irrational premise.If I can do it any Catholic can.

-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. Lionel, my comments are not based on my personal stance in regards to VCII but from watching or listening to many sermons from priests of the SSPX. I will give you one of many examples that they reference. Eg: from Lumen Gentium : that Catholics together with other religions(mentioned) pray to the one merciful God.


