Tuesday, October 7, 2014

When the University of Bristol permits Prof. Gavin D'Costa and the faculty to use an irrational premise, it is a secular lie.

Any such legal threats would be completely empty. The courts refuse to adjudicate on matters of doctrinal orthodoxy. And what else there to the activities of PtP in relation to Tina Beattie and the like? The people she really needs to sue are in the CDF. The idea is absurd. --Dr.Joseph Shaw,Chairman,LMS
Risultati immagini per University of Bristol logo
On matters of 'doctrinal orthodoxy', yes, but what about simple lieing and presenting false information intentionaly ? When the University of Bristol permits Prof. Gavin D'Costa and the faculty to use an irrational premise, it is a secular lie. 
This is not doctrinal orthodoxy or religious belief. It is telling a lie in public. It is subtly using an irrationality to project un orthodox teaching and suggest that this is the official teaching of the Catholic Church.
When I first brought this to the attention of Prof. Gavin D'Costa he wrote tersely  that he denied what I had written.

But what did he deny?

Did he deny my claim that he  infers that the dead saved in invincible ignorance are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?

If he denies this he would be be saying that there are no exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Does it mean he is affirming this ? Of course not!
So when he says he denies what I have written about him it is just a blanket, vague statement.He cannot get into specifics. Otherwise he would have to admit that he is presenting a fantasy ( visible dead exceptions).

The dispute with the University of Bristol is that they are officially  promoting a false premise. They are using an irrational inference .This knowingly  use a falsehood. The issue is the irrationality and not a particular religious belief.
So it would be irrelevant if Gavin D'costa said this or that person shared his beliefs. The issue is the irrationality.How can a university in England knowingly use a false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II ?

Can a University even after being informed claim  as such:
1.Catholics can see the dead who are now in heaven ( saved without the baptism of water) in 2014.
2.These visible-dead are explict exceptions to all needing the baptism of water for salvation.
3.They are visible examples of salvation outside the Church and all not needing the baptism of water in the Catholic Church for salvation in 2014.

This is the issue. This is the point of dispure.
I have written to Gavin D'Costa but he does not want to address this issue.
He has gone ahead and written a book irgnoring this point. He has used these three points mentioned above.
In his Book on Vatican Council II with relations to the Jews and Muslims he will not have mentioned Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. He will not have said that all Jews and Muslims are oriented to Hell without faith and baptism according to Vatican Council .

He will have mentioned those saved in invinicble ignorance (LG 16 etc) and analysed it with the three irrational points mentioned above.

This is unethical.
A University of Bristol professor denying the truth, using an irrationality, to sell a book for political capital.He has the support of the Head of the Department for Theology and Religious Studies right up to the Chancellor, Lady Hale.They connived.All were informed but they remained silent over this issue.

These are the values of the University of Bristol.This is what will be taught to students at the university. Catholics can now see the dead on earth who were saved without the baptism of water and Catholic Faith? Where, in Bristol?
If this issue was taken to court , by a student,would they be able to deny that they are using a false premise, an irrational inference as standard policy in the Department for Theology and Religious Studies?
-Lionel Andrades
Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Bristol is still teaching an irrationality : even after being informed http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/10/department-of-theology-and-religious.html

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