Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Cardinal Raymond Burke has still not identified the false premise, the irrational inference which is the cause of 'the spirit of Vatican Council II'

In this talk Cardinal Raymond Burke refers to 'the spirit of Vatican Council II' which was a hermenutic of rupture. He says it leads to a position which is not Catholic (30:48)  and that we should  name 'the spirit of the Council' for what it is.
Cardinal Raymond Burke has still not identified the false premise, the irratonal inference which is the cause of 'the spirit of Vatican Council II', with regard to other religions and  the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
The irrational inference which was made in 1949 in the Letter of the Holy Office was carried over into Vatican Council II and the same error has then been repeated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1257-1260.
So when this irrational inference is not identified then it is assumed that there is salvation outside the Church. So Cardinal Kaspar believes that if the Church could change its teaching on salvation in 1949 and repeat this change in Vatican Council II then doctrines are not fixed. They can develop.
For Cardinal Kaspar 'elements of sanctification and grace' (LG 8) and 'imperfect communion with the Church'(UR 3) are visible; known in the flesh exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The dogma has been changed for him.He has stated that he no longer believes in the dogma. There is known salvation outside the Church for him even though we do not know of any case of someone saved outside the Church i.e without faith and baptism.
So this irrationality of knowing cases of salvation outside the Church in 2014 is the basis for 'the spirit of Vatican Council'. The spirit of Vatican Council II is based on a new doctrine which has come into the Church in 1949 and which is not contested by Cardinal Raymond Burke or any one else.They make the same error. So how could they detect it in Cardinal Kaspar.
For Cardinal Walter Kaspar there is salvation only in Jesus and not only in the Church. Since for him Vatican Council II (UR 3,LG 8 etc) refer to visible cases in the present times.These visible cases contradict all needing the baptism of water for salvation. This is  a break with the past.So it is no longer necessary to believe in Jesus with the Catholic Church. Since for him now there is salvation outside the Church.
It is this error which fuels 'the spirit of Vatican Council II'.
-Lionel Andrades

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