Thursday, November 20, 2014

Great news – Fr. Carota works a conversion using cassock power!

I love this post from Fr. Carota. It ties in very well with the post I did yesterday concerning the cassock-wearing Fr. Carney and how he publicly evangelizes by walking around town and engaging souls whose attention he attracts due to his traditional priestly garb:
A portable propane tank for the stove in my house leaked gas and needed the valve replaced. So I took it in my van to a place that fills and repairs propane tanks. The man who waited on me was Mexican. He asked me if I was Catholic and he waved his hand, indicating the cassock I was wearing. I told him, definitely.
He then went on to explain to me that he had studied all the religions of the world; buddhism, hinduism, Islam, mormon and protestantism. He told me that the muslims would not allow him to come into their mosque or become muslim because he could not understand Arabic in which they pray and teach the koran. They told him that they would be watching out for him on the surveillance cameras.
Then he told me that his mother was a good Catholic and that he had even been an altar boy. The last thing he was into was the masons. I informed him that the masons were behind the torturing and killing of the Cristeros in Mexico. He had not heard of them. [I assume Father means the Cristeros]
I told him that I too had studied about the different religions and knew that the only true faith was the Catholic faith. I invited him to come to the Holy Latin Mass at 8 am Sunday at St. Catherine’s.
He said he would fix the valve on the propane gas tank and fill it up. But he told me I could not take it back in my van because the law prohibits caring a large propane tank in a car in case it leaks it would kill the people. It has to be in a pickup. He then took me into the owners office to see if anything could be done. The owner was very kind and said they could deliver it the next day to my house. When the tank was delivered this is what I joyfully received. First the tank was newly painted, a cap was installed and a ribbon was on it.
What a wonderful surprise to receive the newly painted repaired propane tank, but most of all the note that he is coming to the Latin Mass on Sunday……
…..See what great things happen when we priests wear the traditional Catholic Cassock. Be encouraged all of you priests who are ridiculed for wearing the cassock. If only it save one soul and brings someone the the Holy Latin Mass, it well worth the ridicule and persecution you have received for wearing it. [Darn right. And if the world hates you, remember it hated Our Lord first, and know that you are blessed when you are persecuted for righteousness' sake.]
Pics of the propane tank:
I add this pic just because it is awesome:
img_3942-1 (1)

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