Wednesday, November 26, 2014


At Litmanová, Slovakia, where the Blessed Mother appeared between August 1990 and August 1995, her words reputedly included insight, among other matters, on how to maintain peace and maintain health.
The messages were as brief and edifying as they are fascinating.
"My dear children, I ask you again, change your lives and sacrifice them fully to God," she intoned, at one juncture. "Because only in this way your lives may become eternal. Oh, my children, learn to say this: 'Your Sacred Will be done' everywhere and in everything because the eternal peace is hidden in You.' Pray this until you understand that peace is the core of every soul."
It is a powerful remark -- indicating that it's when we get rid of the facades of life and traces of worldliness that we reach that long-sought goal so many have of inner tranquility.
During the apparitions to two young women, Iveta Korĉá and Katka Česelková (12 and 13 years of age, at the time of the first experiences), the Blessed Mother did not use human language but somehow spoke in a way that the girls (mainly Ivetka, who received the majority of messages) could understand and later relate to onlookers who recorded them.
"My dear children," said Mary (mainly appearing in white dress and blue mantle), "I am glad that I can be here with you. Please, go and calm down with my Son. This world fills you up with restlessness and noise and then you forget how to be quiet and humble before God. Then you do not feel what Jesus wants to do inside you. And you do not feel what your prayer wants to do inside you. When you feel weak, put all your weakness into my heart, so that God may manifest His powers."
 zvětšený obrázek... Speaking of Jesus and those who sought healing at the site -- where there is miraculous water -- the Virgin told Ivetka to "put diseases in His wounds. And then Jesus will be able to do inside her whatever He wants." That was apparently after a request made for an ailing boy. His disease, said Mary, "shall serve to spiritually cure people and he should not be afraid. God's Mercy is on him."
There is a reason some are sick, she told the seer, a reason for them bearing "a cross." Referring to one infirm man, the Blessed Mother remarked in a similar fashion that "he should not be so sad because he will set many souls free through his disease, his pain." Referring to an ill boy (it's not apparent if this was the same one), she said prayers should be directed to the saint assigned to him at Baptism. A man with severe cancer was told to pick one of the Apostles and pray to that saint in a special way.
"To cure both body and mental diseases it is necessary to pray the entire Rosary (Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious) every day, to fast every Wednesday and Friday, and to drink the water from the spring on the mountain," she said about sick people brought to her attention during the apparitions. "Sin is a cause of every disease." ("A" cause, not "the" cause.)
"The world is sick because it is filled with abomination and dirt but you should not want to think in the way the world thinks, nor want to long for the things the world longs for."
"I love you very much and I deeply care about the purity of your hearts," added the Blessed Mother.
Do not let the world, said Mary, make you insincere.
The mission of every person, advised the Virgin, in these approbated appearances, involves love "because life is intended for this and only love can make your lives full."
"These times are like a thief of peace. Please, tell God: 'I love and therefore, I am sorry. I love and therefore, I forgive. I love and this is my peace." Speaking directly to God -- conversationally -- was a key, Mary told Ivetka.
"The most important thing is that you maintain peace inside yourselves," said Mary. "Please, open your heart to my words. I accept you as you are."
[resources: Spirit Daily's New Bookstore and New:

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