Sunday, November 30, 2014

Is it logical to say that all salvation mentioned in Vatican Council II is an exception to the Syllabus of Errors? It is irrational for me

CraigV, You aren’t the first person to explain this to Mr Andradas, and I doubt you’ll be the last, given his extraordinary tenacity in stating and restating his not very logical (at least not logically expressed) thesis on Catholic blogs!

What is my logical thesis ?
Dogmas and doctrines do not change for you. Then how can the dogma EENS change and be acceptable to you. I do not expect an answer. I have asked you this quite a few times.
Is it logical to say that there are known exceptions to EENS?
Is it logical to say that all salvation mentioned in Vatican Council II is an exception to the Syllabus of Errors?
It is irrational for me and logical for you. So you criticize Vatican Council II.


Mr Andrades, you sure know how to persevere, but it’s probably time to take a break from it, at least on this blog. God bless you.
I have to persevere since informed Catholics, who know aspects of the Catholic Faith better that me, are using an irrationality in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and they do not know the source of their modernism. They consider this modernism dogmatic ,traditional etc.
Craig seems to be have an insight into this and Bertho has picked it up very well. I could almost say that he understands it well.
When they begin to write on this subject I can take a break from the blogs.
-Lionel Andrades

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