Thursday, November 27, 2014

Italian bishops warned against accepting Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate 'faithful to the original charism' ?

Marco Tosatti, at La Stampa confirms rumors, about  bishops being warned against the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (FFI) 'faithful to the original charism'.Fr.Fidenzio Volpi OFM, the Commissioner of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, was present at the recent assembly of bishops in Assisi, Italy.

According to what has been reported by reliable sources,  the Commissioner approached bishops at Assosi. He dissuaded them from accepting in their diocese, the Friars of the Immaculate who do not recognize the new management of the Congregation.This is the new FFI  managed by the Commissioner and his Secretary and spokesman, Father Alfonso Bruno.

Toscatti asks  why a religious who does not want  to continue within a religious congregation (FFI)  should be forced to stay, instead of allowing him to bring his contribution to a priest in the diocese, at a time when vocations are not many.




Soon Christians will become like pagans.

My dearly beloved daughter, My Voice is the only Voice you will hear, in the four corners of the earth, as I prepare humanity for the great assault. You may hear many voices from the mouths of false visionaries and prophets but none will cut through your souls like the Flame of the Holy Spirit.
You must be on your guard, for the voices of false spiritualism, which do not come from God, but which will be felt in different parts of the world. The influence of evil spirits will be seen in wars of terrorism, where sweet voices promoting misguided ideologies will try to justify the wicked atrocities they carry out in the Name of God.
Soon, voices, which will promote paganism, will be heard in Houses, which honour Me, and they will desecrate My Altars. Voices, which come from the spirit of evil, will be seen as exciting interpretations of people’s aspirations who seek fulfilment in their lives. They will shout, praise false gods, destroy the souls of the vulnerable and blaspheme against Me. These are the souls who anger Me the most, because they are very convincing and cause great confusion. They will be like magnets as they draw many Christians away from Me.
My enemies will blind My people to the Truth and soon Christians will become like pagans. I will be thrown out into the gutter like a pauper and the doors of My Church will be slammed in My Face. And when I knock at the door it will be bolted from the inside by those who claim to come from Me.
I have warned you of these days and they will soon be upon you. Again I say to you, My Word is Sacrosanct. These are the final messages from Heaven and are given to a world that is indifferent to Me as it is ungrateful.
Wake up and face the Truth. There is only one Master. You cannot remain loyal to Me if you serve more than one master.
Your Jesus


November 19, 2014
Non c'è stata alcuna smentita
Nessuna smentita dal Vescovo Semeraro, Mons.Guido, CDF, Fidenzio Volpi OFM, FSSPX, Padre Serafino Lanzetta, Corrado Gnerre, Legio di Cristo, Maria Guarini, Padre Stefano di Radio Vobiscum... 2

Nessuna smentita dal Vescovo Semeraro, Mons.Guido, CDF, Fidenzio Volpi OFM, FSSPX, Padre Serafino Lanzetta, Corrado Gnerre, Legio di Cristo, Maria Guarini, Padre Stefano di Radio Vobiscum...

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