Monday, November 24, 2014

Subdued feast of Christ the King

The big mosaic of the facade of Saint Paul out...There was a subdued 'celebration' of the Feast of Christ the King yesterday, Sunday. There was no mention of Jesus Christ the King of the universe whose Social Reign must extend over all political legislation.
Neither was there mention of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and there being no known salvation outside the visible limits of the Catholic Church.No one is saved without faith and baptism.
The Vatican's theology implies there is known salvation outside the Church. So the dogma has been rejected and also the Social Reign of Jesus Christ over all political legislation.
This great compromise was there yesterday in homilies at Mass in Italian.The Church has adapted itself to the Jewish Left demands.It is non controversial.
The truth , and Catholic doctrines have shelved, to avoid tension.
-Lionel Andrades

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