Monday, November 17, 2014

Ultrasound Shows Baby Boy Smiling Ear to Ear, Now He’s the “Happiest Baby” Ever

Ultrasound Shows Baby Boy Smiling Ear to Ear, Now He’s the “Happiest Baby” Ever

by Sarah Zagorski | London, England | 
Ultrasound has given humanity a window to the womb, which is why pro-life advocates have worked for the passage of legislation that would allow a mother to see her unborn child prior to an abortion.
ultrasound3d27Unfortunately, the abortion industry is not too fond of ultrasound legislation because it testifies to the humanity of the unborn child. In fact, statistics show that 78% of pregnant women who see an ultrasound of their baby reject abortion.
But if pro-abortion advocates really believe women should be able to exercise their right to “freedom of choice,” shouldn’t they be fully informed?
Amazingly, women can even have ultrasounds that show their baby in 4D motion. And sometimes these images show babies moving around, sucking their thumb and even smiling.
For example, a 4D Ultrasound showed a little boy smiling ear to ear in his mother’s womb. After he was born, his parents named him Leo and now he’s known as, “Britain’s Happiest Baby”
leodavidLittle bundle of joy Leo David Hargreaves could just be the cheeriest baby in the country, according to his parents. Not only does the five month-old smile all the time, he’s been smiling since before he was born.
A 4D ultrasound scan, taken when Leo’s mother, Amy Cregg, was 31 weeks’ pregnant, clearly shows him grinning from ear-to-ear.
Miss Cregg, 24, and her partner Leighton Hargreaves, of Church, Accrington Lancashire, say that baby Leo has continued to wear a perma-grin since he was born on June 30. Modelling companies, and Next, the high-street fashion chain, have already been in touch with the couple to express an interest in signing-up Leo’s winning grin.
Miss Cregg, a rehabilitation support worker, said: “Leighton and I were absolutely shocked – even the people who did my scan were amazed.
“I’ve been walking in the park and had people come up to me and say, ‘What a gorgeous baby!’
But Miss Cregg and Mr Hargreaves, a painter and decorator, say there’s no rush to put pen to paper.
“I’d be interested in doing modelling, but only when Leo’s older.”
The 4D scan – which captured gender, growth and the weight – was taken at Babybond Ultrasound Direct clinic in Burnley. A spokesman for the clinic said: “Our sonographer who scanned Amy and her gorgeous baby was overwhelmed at her smiley baby throughout the entire scan.
“I think we can safely say that Amy’s baby has been the smiliest baby we’ve ever seen.”

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