Saturday, November 22, 2014

Vatican Council II has a continuity with the past with respect to the other religions ( dogma on salvation), ecumenism and religous liberty

especially when you were asked by one who questioned about implementation, if you will, in everyday Catholic life. You respond consistently with ,{in my words,} get over it & do what has to be done.
Some Catholics with the few Catholic political organisations in Italy are aware of the need for proclaiming the Social Kingship of Christ over all legisation.But the person spoken to  will also assume that Vatican Council II and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 contradict Quas Primas.This is sad.
Fr.Brian Harrison interprets ecumenism and religious liberty in Vatican Council II as a continuity with the past and I agree with him, but he does not state that Vatican has a continuity with the past with respect to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So this is confusion with respect to the teaching on the Social Kingship of Christ.
For me Vatican Council II has a continuity with the past with respect to the other religions ( dogma on salvation), ecumenism and religous liberty.
If Louie and Fr.Harrison could agree with me it would make it easier for Bishop Bernard Fellay to accept Vatican Council II.
Bishop Fellay has said that the SSPX accepts Vatican Council II as a historical even, they also accept 95% of the Council, they only reject the teachings on other religions, ecumenism and religious liberty.I have received an e-mail from Steven Speray yesterday. He also uses the irrational premise in the interpretation of the Council but he understands that the baptism of desire is not visible and known to us.
He writes, ‘you don’t have to believe anyone has actually been saved through baptism of desire, but only that it’s a possibility . You can’t deny the possibility without anathamatizing yourself. I explain on my blog why.’
I wrote a book about baptism of desire and explain that the 1949 letter is terribly written. Yes, it is erroneous if taken at face value, but can be interpreted correctly. I don’t like it all.’
If Louie and Fr.Harrison could clarify this point then Vatican Council II would be in agreement with Quas Primas.
-Lionel Andrades

Fr.Brian Harrison interprets ecumenism and religious liberty in Vatican Council II as a continuity with the past : I agree with him

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