Friday, November 21, 2014

We Support the Duggar Family: Don't Cancel "19 Kids and Counting"

SIGN THE PETITION! We Support the Duggar Family: Don't Cancel "19 Kids and Counting"
Liberal activists are at it again with another attempt to pressure TLC to cancel “19 Kids and Counting,” the successful cable television show featuring the Duggar family and their pro-life values.
The Duggar family’s central theme is their pro-life, Christian values and Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their 19 children have been outspoken over the years in defending human life from abortion and promoting abstinence education.

But now, more than 90,000 people have signed an online petition that calls on TLC to cancel its popular “19 Kids and Counting” series claiming the Duggar family engages in fear-mongering. Jim Wissick, of San Jose, California, wrote a letter to TLC, which was posted on the petition page, that accused the Duggar family of “using their fame to promote discrimination, hate, and fear-mongering.”
The petition has almost reached its goal of 100,000. LifeNews needs your help today to counter this petition. Let's support our pro-life friends, the Duggar Family.


Petition Background (Preamble):
Liberal activists are at it again with another attempt to pressure TLC to cancel "19 Kids and Counting
," the successful cable television show featuring the Duggar family and their pro-life values.

The Duggar family's central theme is their pro-life, Christian values and Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their 19 children have been outspoken over the years in defending human life from abortion and promoting abstinence education.

We, the undersigned, fully support the Duggar Family and TLC should keep 19 Kids and Counting on the air!

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