Saturday, December 20, 2014

A proposition

A proposition has to be rational and then we can draw principles from it.
For example, I could say that at a certain time of the year thousands of starlings will fly in formation in Rome and they will do so even next year if all things remain the same.
I can say this since I have seen the starlings myself and I have seen them every year.
I cannot say the same for the baptism of desire being a logical exception to the dogma, if I was asked to consider the baptism of desire as an exception. Since I would be wrong at the onset.The baptism of desire is not objective for me.Neither is it known in general to any one. So it cannot be proposed as an exception.It would be irrational to assume that a hypothetical case is a defacto exception to the dogma.This would not be a rational proposition. So I cannot  propose that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance  opposes the dogmatic teaching which says all need to formally enter the Church for salvation ( with faith and baptism).
Yet this is the irrational proposition made by many Catholics, including traditionalists.It is the number one irrational proposition in the Catholic Church.
I cannot see the dead saved with the baptism of desire. This is something real and factual for me.
This is not theology. It is not a theological principle.
It is not a philosophical principle.
I simply cannot see the dead.
The SSPX and the St.Benedict Centers( Fr.Leonard Feeney's communities) have created theologies based on the dead being visible on earth.
They have also extended this irrational reasoning to the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
Now when I present this information to them they do not want to admit that they made a factual mistake all these years. They were misled and they misled others.It was something they overlooked innocently.
It is also difficult for them to say, and I can understand this,that the magisteriuim made a factual mistake.Not a mistake of theology or philosophy but an objective mistake. The wrong theology and philosophy came later to support the factual error.
In response to this irrational theology I simply keep saying 'I cannot see the dead on earth. I cannot see any one saved with the baptism of desire in Heaven.' Do not propose an irrationality.No I cannot accept it.
-Lionel Andrades

It is the magisterium which has contradicted itself


Did Pope Pius XII make a mistake ?

Did Pope Pius XII make a mistake ? : implicit desire, invincible ignorance have nothing to do with extra ecclesiam nulla salus


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