Monday, December 22, 2014

Based on an irrationality you have created a theology


Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. :
There could not be a more accurate title to your posting, Mr. Andrades.

Mr. Tofari probably has as little time as have I to entertain your non-theological musings about the invisible dead.

My line of questioning accomplished what I set out to do: namely, to establish that you are not operating from sound principles, but, rather, from some kind of empiricism as the basis of your speculations.
There could not be a more accurate title to your posting, Mr. Andrades.

Mr. Tofari probably has as little time as have I to entertain your non-theological musings about the invisible dead.
Brother Andre Marie it about two year now since I have been asking you fundamental questions about the Catholic Faith. It is not just overnight in this report.

My line of questioning accomplished what I set out to do: namely, to establish that you are not operating from sound principles, but, rather, from some kind of empiricism as the basis of your speculations.
I repeat: when I say that I cannot see the dead on earth or we humans in general cannot see the dead I am not going to create a theology or philosophy which says exactly that.

You have done this.

For you Lumen Gentium 16 ( being saved in invincible ignorance) is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as interpreted by Fr.Leonard Feeney.
So you are inferring that those who have died in invincible ignorance, are exceptions, to the dogma this year. They are known to you.So Vatican Council II contradicts the dogma. This is your theological principle based on your alleged ability to see the dead who are exceptions.
Based on an irrationality you have created a theology.
I refuse to do this.
-Lionel Andrades

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